All teams are on the same flight from Montreal to Moncton, New Brunswick. Upon arrival, teams hop into 2024 Chevy Colorado ZR2 Bison and drive to this oyster farm in Neguac.
Genba charges at the Hashiryan who easily repels him back. Genba says he will never forget his face or who he is; Disrace.
More soapy family and romance drama takes away from the urgency of the arriving war.
So the real 7th Leg of the Race. Or is it the real 6th? Or are they calling it the 8th? Well, whatever number Leg this is, teams are still searching the State Saputo for matching colored tokens.
Before he is completely engulfed by gold, Minato-sensei advises Houtarou to believe in himself and push forward.
Sakito and Byundi are hungry, so they come to the Garage and BunBun happily makes them some curry. He tells them to have as much as they want.
The drama is at an all-time high as the war arrives.
While waiting for the train to Montreal, the teams hash out the Pass drama from yesterday. Upon arrival in Montreal, they must search the airport terminal for their next clue.
As he has trouble making the right adjustments to his Driver, Supana can’t help but think of Gigist’s words about the black flames inside him.
The Boonbooms are all excited about the summer fireworks tonight. Sakito says he could hate everything about Earth, but never fireworks. Taiya suggests they should all go to enjoy them together, but Shashiro says he is not a fan of crowds. Genba offers to bring Shashiro some food from the festival and asks what he would like. Shashiro shyly says he would like a candy apple.