Hanto punches Shoma to the ground and refuses to listen to Shoma’s apology or attempt at an explanation. Hanto stomps away. Lakia says it’s time Shoma tells him more about himself.
Suga-san tells a worried Shoma that a still unconscious Hanto is alright. He shows that Hanto’s wounds have already completely healed. So it’s only a matter of time before he wakes up. Shoma is relieved.
After Lage9 forces Hanto dehenshin, he is about to deliver a finishing blow to kill him for good. But Shoma jumps in to whisk Hanto to safety.
Lage9 is able to handle any of Shoma and Hanto’s attacks. Shoma goes Cake, but it still is no match for Lage9’s skills and power. Shoma just can’t believe this guy is not on their side.
Shoma and Sachika join a neighborhood mochi pounding event for the new year. And Shoma enjoys delicious mochi for the first time. As they are eating, they overhear two ladies talking about their friend’s kind son, Takeshi-kun, having gone missing. Sachika tells Shoma that he is from her neighborhood and decides to go ask the ladies about what’s happened.
Shoma arrives, but he is weak from using too much cake power. That allows Rojoe to whisk the unconscious Hanto away.
Kenzo thanks Nyelv-kun for the gift since he hasn’t been able to get much from Hanto. But he asks what’s up for Nyelv to make a visit. Nyelv says that with the red Gavv continuing to evolve, them researches need to keep up. So he suggests they share their findings with each other.
Hanto is able to find Shoma first. He knows he can’t bring him to the hospital, but Shoma asks if he has anything to eat. Hanto has some ramune in his pocket and Shoma gratefully accepts the refreshment.
Shoma visits Uncle Dente to talk about Hanto and Valen. He asks if humans would be capable of handling these kinds of powers and Uncle Dente says it shouldn’t be possible. Shoma’s unique powers come from having both human and Granute qualities. So it is possible Valen most likely underwent surgery with the intention of incorporating Granute traits.
Shoma tells Hanto to hop onto his buggy and they drive off away from the Granute.