Over at the Academy, Rinne brings her father’s book of forbidden alchemy to Minato. Though reluctant, they know they need to do whatever it takes to destroy Gurion.
Houtarou delivers a Platinum Shoot finisher at the golem, but it slams the ground and Houtarou and Rinne go flying. Germain wants to eat Nijigon so he can more quickly convert more humans into Malgams.
Meanwhile, Houtarou is happily teaching Hopper1 and Nijigon his favorite song. But Sabimaru wonders what they do now that they’ve Gotcha’d all the Chemies and destroyed Gigist. Houtarou says they must achieve a peaceful world with the Chemies.
Houtarou is so happy Hopper1, Skebows and Antrooper are back. The other Chemies are also excited and also welcome Nijigon as they all shine brightly now thanks to him. Kyoka-san says the rainbow wave from Nijigon must have brought the three of them back to life. And Nijigon seems to be influenced by Houtarou’s carefree attitude.
Gigist laughs as Houtarou falls to despair and disappears with the egg. Minato thinks he knows what is happening and they hurry back to the Academy where Kyoka-san has tracked Houtarou and the egg’s location. She believes the same as Minato. This is the 101st Chemy.
Houtarou, Rinne, Renge and Sabimaru hurry Skebows back to the Academy. Kyoka-san arrives to examine Skebows and she finds that Gigist most likely used a special transmutation to cause the Chemy to go berserk on its own malice. So when defeated, the Chemy itself is destroyed.
Kyoka-san would like to develop Lachesis’ human qualities so she has Houtarou and Friends set-up Kitchen Ichinose for her first experiment. She would like them to make Lachesis laugh as laughter is one of the most uniquely human traits.
Kaguya henshins and attacks a confused Houtarou who also henshins. Sabimaru contacts Renge, Rinne and Butler who are at Kitchen Ichinose preparing Houtarou’s surprise for Kaguya and lets them know of what’s happening downtown.
Kaguya delivers a Legendary Legend finisher at Saigetsu and gorgeously takes care of him. Butler thanks Kaguya for the gorgeous battle. Houtarou says he’s a totally strong Gotcha.
Minato says the only one capable of things like this is the Meikoku King, but Supana can’t believe that is possible.