Meanwhile, Keiwa, Neon and Sara get the current players ranking of the DR. They full expect Sara to have the most Core IDs so far, but she is actually tied with Michibuffa. Because of that, Sueru has scheduled a one-hour overtime round tomorrow where they must swipe as many Core IDs from other players.
Michinaga gets overpowered by the Jyamato that’s eaten Archimedel. Beroba and Kekera approach Archimedel with an offer. They want him to target Sara in order to drive Keiwa into despair.
Neon is filling Sara in on the DGP while having some coffee. Sara is surprised that Ace was a DezaShin and they must now fight against him. But she is determined to continue fighting as long as she can keep Keiwa from being a Rider again. Neon realizes Sara did not see Keiwa henshin last episode.
Ace points his blaster at Chirami, saying he is part of who made his mother suffer. Chirami says not to slander the DGP who, through the Goddess of Creation, has been able to grant humans’ deepest desires. But Ace says that wasn’t his mother’s desire, it was forced on her.
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Michinaga approaches Ace on the rooftop to inform him of his defeat of Keiwa. It’s just the two of them left, but Ace starts to walk away without saying a word. Michinaga grabs him by the collar. Ace asks why they must fight. Michinaga points out that you must fight to survive.
Keiwa is with his sister Sara about to enjoy lunch. Sara is sad about Neon not being active on social media lately. Keiwa says Neon is probably out looking for a new home. He adds that you should do whatever makes you happy.
Kyuun rushes to the audience room where Neon tries to process what she has just learned about herself. Beroba, meanwhile, relishes the misery of others, but frustratingly declares Ace the winner of this second face off. She schedules the final round between Neon and Michinaga for tomorrow at noon.
Archimedel damns Ace for meddling in the JGP’s grand plans. But Michinaga has just the game for the next round.
Ziin is sure Ace is about to be killed. But Keiwa and Neon swoop in just in time to shield Ace and get him to safety. Beroba says that was pretty pointless considering the world is about to be united under Jyamato rule.