Recap: Kamen Rider Gotchard, Episode 15 – Seize the Happy! Shine Bright Gotchalibur!

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Houtarou henshins to Super Gotchard Cross X-Rex. Clotho is undeterred, however and the two of them battle. Houtarou showcases X-Rex’s immense power, being able to drive the Dread-powered Clotho back. Clotho locks in more Chemy Cards and allows herself to fight back.

Lachesis meanwhile directs her attention to the others. Minato-sensei arrives to protect Rinne and the father and daughter. But Lachesis uses three Chemy Cards to power her mutation. Minato-sensei uses alchemy to shield the others from Lachesis’ attack, but she is able to break through and poisons him.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Atropos binds Rinne and begins to taunt her again, calling her weak, powerless and desperate. Rinne says it is her duty as an alchemist, but Atropos laughs and says Papa Kudoh was just a traitor. Atropos tells Rinne to watch them kill the people she wants to protect.

Atropos calls Lachesis and she walks over to target Sawa and Papa Manabe. Houtarou tries to rush over, but Clotho yanks him back and slams him into a tree, forcing his downhenshin. Clotho says the strong will always devour the weak, that’s why she is sure she can defeat him.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Lachesis first targets Sawa, but Papa Manabe runs over to protect her. Lachesis tosses him to the ground and he apologizes to Sawa for being so weak. Lachesis decides to kill both of them at the same time. But Papa Manabe begs Lachesis to spare his daughter and just kill him instead.

Sawa sees her father bowing to Lachesis and remembers him doing the same to the magazine editor.

Atropos mocks humans for holding on to vague things like friends and family. Rinne says there is nothing wrong with cherishing family and friends. Atropos says Papa Kudoh thought differently. In fact, he stole the 101 Chemies and abandoned Rinne in order to open the Door of Darkness himself. Rinne believes he did all that to protect the natural order. But Atropos says Rinne can just continue to be oblivious to the lives lost thanks to Papa Kudoh. And all the lives that will be lost next will be Rinne’s fault.

Rinne looks over to everyone else struggling against the Sisters. But Sawa will not stand to see her father disrespected in this way. She runs over and pulls Lachesis off of her father.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Rinne defiantly tells Atropos that she is just spitting out nonsense and she believes her father is not a traitor. Atropos says she’s said nothing but the truth and proceeds to manipulate Rinne’s hands to choke her own neck. If Rinne wants to see her father so much, Atropos will gladly oblige.

Rinne remembers her and Houtarou’s promise to do their best. She tells Atropos that she is pathetic and now understands why this old little girl continues to pester her. Atropos just wants Rinne to be a friend. Atropos is a lonely thing who longs for family and friends. And she just tricks herself into not feeling lonely by taking such family and friends away from other people.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

“The weak one here… is you Atropos!”

Atropos tells Rinne to shut the f up. Her anger ends up releasing Rinne from her control.

Rinne use alchemy to send ExGotchalibur over to Houtarou while chaining up Lachesis in order to free the father and daughter from her grasp.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Houtarou is able to henshin to Super Gotchard Cross X-Rex once again just as Lachesis breaks free of the chains. Supana arrives and shoots at Lachesis, much to her shock as she thought he was dead.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Spanner, still weak from that battle, falls to his knees and dehenshins. Houtarou delivers an X-Rex Shining Fever finisher at her, releasing the three Chemies she had used to transform. Supanner is shocked Houtarou was able to accomplish that with only one attack.

As Minato-sensei is released from the poison, Houtarou happily greets HappyClover, BamBamboo and Bulgesia.

Clotho, however, is still ready to go. Minato-sensei, Papa Manabe, Sawa and Rinne all cheer Houtarou on. Houtarou looks over to Spanna who gives him a nod of acknowledgement.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Houtarou takes everyone’s support and channels it into a super energy. He says that humans may be weak, including himself. But he will use everyone’s hope and dreams to power up Gotchard and in turn use that strength to protect them.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Clotho uses multiple Antrooper Cards. Lachesis begs her to stop or she’ll kill herself. But Clotho is determined to die while taking Houtarou down with her. She prepares a Blood Sacrifice finisher. But Houtarou swipes UFO-X Card on the ExGotchalibur and is able to whip Clotho out of Dread just like how he saved Sabimaru.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Houtarou uses a Xlash finisher at Dread, finishing it off and returning it to its Driver form. Atropos picks it up and the Sisters retreat while Clotho vows to get Houtarou next time.

Seeing Clotho so angry, Houtarou feels a bit bad. But Minato-sensei says Houtarou’s youth and belief in Chemies has been able to save and protect lives. And he should continue to hold on to that side of himself.

Sawa and Papa Manabe share a heartfelt reunion with Sawa calling him her hero.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Houtarou thanks UFO-X and X-Rex for their help today.

Meanwhile, Kugimiya is watching from behind a nearby tree and is joined by a mysterious figure who wonders what game to play next as they hold several Level 10 Cards.

Later, the Gang gathers at Kitchen Ichinose for the Christmas party. Joining Houtarou and Mama Ichinose are Rinne, Ryo, the not-twins and regulars Ma-san and Shima-chan.

Rinne asks Houtarou about wanting to invite Sawa and her father. But Houtarou hopes he can have them meet X-Rex again one day.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Sawa and Papa Manabe meet by the river. She hands him her present of a pic of X-Rex and he tells her he’s been hired by Chojo Wakusei to write a column for them. The father and daughter are happy to both be following their dreams. Minato-sensei wishes them a Merry Christmas from behind a bush.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Back at the restaurant, Sabimaru and Renge are Ryo’s backup dancers for his special performance.

Houtarou steps aside for a moment to speak with Hopper1 about the strange memory he had while inside X-Rex about them potentially meeting when he was a little boy. Hopper1 is unsure.

Ryo calls Houtarou over as it is his turn to perform. He encourages Rinne to join him on stage. Mama Ichinose looks at their family photo and asks if Papa Ichinose will join them at next year’s Christmas.

Kamen Rider Gotchard Episode 15 Recap

Episode Thoughts

It’s time for our weekly rave! And no, not a dancing club party. Raving about Gotchard of course! This was another strong episode that pulled from everything the show has established so far in this first third of the season.

First, the Houtarou Effect™ works again! Wonderful seeing how Houtarou has been able to help Rinne at least start to overcome the emotional pain and tragedy of her past. Even though as we saw in that scene with Atropos, she might just be forcing herself to believe the good in her father. Regardless of what the truth is regarding Papa Kudoh, Houtarou has been able to bring some positive and encouraging change to Rinne. And I think vice versa as well.

Same with Supana in his most tsundere way as well. Loved that moment with the little nod to Houtarou.

Speaking of Atropos, OMG. Rinne is definitely better than me because I would have backhanded that old witch so hard. (And yes, Atropos is an old witch, despite her childlike appearance lololol) The way Atropos was mocking her and taunting her, especially about her father, I would’ve lost it!

But! Rinne was able to deliver that backhand slap with words! Atropos definitely reacted to Rinne clocking her with the idea that Atropos is just lonely and looking for friends and family.

As hilarious as that idea is (I don’t believe that Atropos is just a lonely old lady, tbh lol), it was still awesome to see. The Sisters are so loathsome and obviously evil. Murderous witches, literally! But it’s a good thing because it certainly helps boost our heroes even more and will make their eventual defeat all the more satisfying. You want to have someone to root against. And the Sisters have definitely provided many reasons for that so far!

Meanwhile, it was funny how Lachesis assumed Supanner was dead. She obviously does not know he is a secondary Rider and will not be so easily killed off so early lol

What I have enjoyed the most, I think, and it’s hard to decide on one thing. But I really like how every Chemy of the Week has somehow furthered either the overall story or helped to develop a main character. Each Chemy of the Week and the people who Houtarou and Friends meet have been consequential in many ways. And it has made for such an enjoyable viewing experience every week.

So overall, another great week for Gotchard. Just hoping and hoping the season will ride this great momentum all the way to the end.

10 thoughts on “Recap: Kamen Rider Gotchard, Episode 15 – Seize the Happy! Shine Bright Gotchalibur!

  1. This season continues its excellent string of episodes so far. I still have the feeling that we’re still just in the “calm before the storm” portion of the season before the serious stuff really starts to go down. I’ve noticed that a rather prevalent theme of the season has been the concept of dreams and ambitions. It would be rather interesting, if down the line, another villain appears who plays into that theme. Maybe someone who has a grand dream of their own but doesn’t mind causing others pain and utilizing human malice to get what they desire. Could be a good Evil Counterpart to Houtarou.

    I actually rather enjoyed the Sisters getting a bit more depth and dimension in this episode, which I think was best demonstrated in Lachesis’s fear of Clotho dying in her attempt to kill Houtarou. Just those little instances give me more faith that the Sisters as villains won’t end up being a Megido3 situation, in which two of them die rather anti-climatically and the other only receives any sort of depth and dimension at the very end. I so badly want them to break the cycle of villainous trios in the Reiwa seasons being lackluster and having a mountain of wasted potential. Lol.

    This episode also further strengthened my assumption that Dread’s permanent user would not be one of the Sisters. It’ll probably be someone unseen at the moment who can use Dread’s power comfortably and push it to its limits without any ill effects to themselves. Given that the DredDriver itself is essentially an evil counterpart of the GotchardDriver, I hope (or at least think would be fitting) for Dread’s inevitable primary user to be themselves a direct foil to Houtarou as well. Maybe another of one of the Sisters’ secret benefactors?

    But overall, like you, I’m overjoyed at having regained the feeling of being excited to watch the newest episode of Kamen Rider every week that I haven’t truly had since Revice’s strong first half.

    1. Honestly given that the user can be separated from the driver and still leave Dread behind… I expect that eventually the driver will just be using itself.

  2. For me The highlight of this episode was the sister trio
    Clotho became reckless hope she had rivalry with houtarou in future since spanner has lachesis and rinne has atropos as rivals lachesis was also caring for her sister and i love atropos angry reaction towards rinne’s word rinne become really brave and spanner trusting on houtarou nice to see this season is actually building our core three riders (which is pretty obvious) before making them actual rider since valvarad is a psyudo rider yet and not sure if he is gonna be the official secondary rider since dread doesn’t looks obvious for having so many users and rinne gives more secondary rider vibes before becoming a rider

      1. Fortunately we just got movie leaks which gonna shows up in series future like mach about rinne’s rider form as kamen rider magade as the Official first female secondary rider

  3. It’s funny: from the series until the second part of this episode, I thought Lachesis was a pure badass… then, I realized she wasn’t fully rotten to the core.

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