>THE AMAZING RACE 10 SEASON WRAP-UPWell, ten seasons of television’s greatest adventure have passed.That is quite an achievement considering how many times The Amazing Race was in danger of being…
EPISODE 10-13: SAY YOUR DEEPEST PRAYERS EVERWell, The Amazing Race 10 is over… The Leg…and there isn’t much to say. I never, ever think TAR is boring. Underwhelming, yes… but…
EPISODE 10-12: DUDE, I’M SUCH A HOT GIANT CHICK RIGHT NOW!Another exciting episode!! Again, I’m not actively rooting for one single team like in the past, but it was one…
EPISODE 10-11: WE WON’T JUST DIE, LIKE ROACHESIts funny, there isn’t one team I’m all out rooting for, yet I thought this was one of the best episodes of the…
EPISODE 10-10: LOOKIN’ LIKE A BLUE-HAIRED LADY ON A SUNDAY DRIVE The LegI’ve been a huge Erwin & Godwin fan, but I can’t say they didn’t deserve their elimination this week. I’ve…
EPISODE 10-09: BEING POLITE SUCKS SOMETIMES The Leg Something seems to be missing since David & Mary are gone, but that doesn’t mean we don’t have another amazing episode. First…
EPISODE 10-08: HE CAN’T SWIM, BUT HE CAN EAT COW LIPS Wow, even though David & Mary were eliminated, this has to be one of the best episodes of TAR…
EPISODE 10-07: I WONDER IF THIS WILL MAKE MY FINGERS PICKLE THE best episode of the season so far. It had everything you could ever ask for in an episode…
EPISODE 10-06: MAYBE STEVEN SEGAL WILL SEE ME AND WANT ME TO BE IN ONE OF HIS MOVIES! The LegIt is always great when TAR goes somewhere they’ve never been…
EPISODE 10-05: I COVERED HIS MOUTH! OH MY GOSH!While not at exciting and fast-paced as the first four episodes, this was still a great episode. I think the Indian driving…