SEASON 11 WRAP-UPWell, The Amazing Race: All-Stars has come to an end. For years, it was talked about, rumored, speculated on. Everyone had their own choices for the All-Star line-up.And…
EPISODE 11-10: WE ARE TRYING TO MAKE LOVE, NOT WAR This was an amazing episode, right up until the ending when we got the “good news.” The Leg The teams…
EPISODE 11-09: THE WAY YOU LOOK, YEAHWell, even though we pretty much knew who was going to be eliminated from the start, it was still a fun episode. The LegSo…
EPISODE 11-07/08: IF I WERE IN TOWN, I’D ASK FOR YOUR NUMBER (PARTS 1 & 2)It was an absolutely thrilling, fun, action-packed two hours of The Amazing Race. One of…
EPISODE 11-07/08: IF I WERE IN TOWN, I’D ASK FOR YOUR NUMBER (PARTS 1 & 2)Just the QuotesQUOTES FROM EPISODES 11-07/08Danielle: “So Warsaw is not here obviously.” Eric: “No, Warsaw…
EPISODE 11-06: WE’RE GOING TO TRADE YOU FOR FOOD NOWAs if it wasn’t a crazy episode to begin with, it ended with one of the best teams ever being Philiminated….
EPISODE 11-05 SCAP RECAP: YOU NEED TO WATCH YOUR JOKES, GUY Relive the episode with my random scaps at I’ll get them up earlier next week!
EPISODE 11-05: YOU NEED TO WATCH YOUR JOKES, GUY“How will Rob & Amber’s elimination affect the other teams?” Uh… not at all? There’s really no effect at all really, other…
Tons of exclusive deleted scenes and cast interviews are available on Innertube at Plus, watch the Pit Stop Cam where you get to see what the remaining teams do…
Read exclusive interviews with the first four eliminated All-Star teams at!JOHN VITO & JILL, 1st Team Philiminated>Read onKEVIN & DREW, 2nd Team Philiminated>Read onDAVID & MARY, 3rd Team Philiminated>Read…