Well, The Amazing Race: All-Stars has come to an end. For years, it was talked about, rumored, speculated on. Everyone had their own choices for the All-Star line-up.
And even though there was disappointment with our eventual list of All-Stars, as soon as Phil said “GO!” we knew that we were in for another amazing adventure.
I’ve always said you can’t go wrong with The Amazing Race. Even at its worst, it’s still miles better than most other things on television.
Season 11, in my opinion, was one of the show’s best. A huge part of making it a great season most definitely had to do with the team interactions. The best moments of the season had something to do with the interactions between the teams themselves and for most of the season, there was this friendly, yet competitive feeling in the air which was refreshing to see.
No doubt the friendly competition came about since most of these teams are friends outside of the Race as well, but even so, watching the episodes and then watching the videos at of the teams mingling and hanging out and reminiscing is just great.
Anyway, with many big personalities on the Race, we were bound to get the great moments from the first couple of exciting episodes.
While unfortunately the tasks in TARAS weren’t as challenging as the awesome ones in TAR10, there was no lack of drama and chaos which made for great television. And it wasn’t “Let’s make everyone quit” drama, it was just drama that came about from Racing around the world.
The destinations were good, though I was hoping to get either more exotic and different or have them go back to the best destinations of the past 10 seasons.
I was also expecting (or really hoping for) some kind of in-Race reminiscing or some kind of shoutout to the past Races. The letters were cute, but I was hoping for something more. Maybe a reference to a classic Road Block or Detour, or maybe even including an updated version of a classic Road Block or Detour.
Another nitpick is definitely the degradation of the Fast Forward. Bring it back full time!!
Anyway, I think the teams definitely made this season. The Race course and the tasks were great, but the teams really brought the season alive.
Eric & Danielle.…Okay, they won. But I still don’t even think they deserved to be on in the first place. Eric & Jeremy, I would be okay with having back because they did dominate their season. I hear that TAR had a different first choice for a hybrid team in TAR3’s Flo & Drew, but Flo only wanted to come back if she Raced with Zach. There was also talk of an “expectant fathers” hybrid team featuring TAR5’s Colin and TAR6’s notorious Jonathan. Now that would’ve been an interesting team! Let’s see Jonathan try to push Colin! Remember, Colin wasn’t afraid of going to jail! Anyway, congrats to Eric & Danielle for winning, but Jeremy’s phone call at the end just showed how horrible it was for E&D to win.
Rob & Amber… Sure they weren’t as evil this time around, but for me it really was a matter of overexposure. From Survivor to SciFi to their CBS-funded wedding to that reality show of their’s, it was just too much Romber and TARAS did fine when they were gone anyway. Let’s be thankful that they will never be on TAR again.
Kevin & Drew… They were the original frats, the first team of comedians on TAR. But their age and health got the best of ‘em. This is now their third Race! (Remember their cameo in TAR8?)
Uchenna & Joyce.… They are good people. And one of the more deserving winners, but there were other teams who were more deserving of their spot on All-Stars too. Still, it was nice to see them back on the Race. Best of luck to them, they’ll make great parents.
David & Mary… They were still good ol’ people. All-Stars, not for their Racing, but for them being them. And I always appreciate Racers who actually are fans of the show.
John Vito & Jill… Still one of my favorite teams ever, yeah they didn’t start any drama, but I’m the kind of TAR fan that would rather watch “nice” teams run the Race. Just because teams are “nice,” doesn’t mean there won’t be any excitement or drama. Too bad JVJ (aka Rambo and Rambette) didn’t get past the first leg.
Oswald & Danny… I thought they were going to go all the way. They did very well for most of the Race, but even one simple mistake can be costly. They brought the funny and they Raced well, that is a perfect TAR combo.
Joe & Bill… I hated them on TAR1 and still think their airport drama was stupid, but after a few years I came to appreciate their “evil” ways (especially in light of far worse teams to follow). I was happy to see them on All-Stars because they really are TAR All-Stars. It sucks that they have to suffer the same fate, in a way, by falling far, far behind. And it was weird seeing a “kindler, gentler Guido,” but they were great to watch.
Dustin & Kandice… I hated them at first on TAR10, but I slowly grew to like them. And I was definitely rooting for them on TARAS. They really have been the strongest female team on TAR ever, and you have to applaud them for running two consecutive Races without breaking a sweat.
Teri & Ian… One of my all-time favorites ever. They were smart, strong, funny… I wish they could’ve gone further. They deserved to win TAR3, and deserved to last longer on TARAS. But its great to see them again and to see that they still have a strong marriage. HOORAH! HUMP IT!
Charla & Mirna… I think the real stars of TAR All-Stars. Who knew? Yeah, they made a big impact on TAR5 (“I just got electrocuted!”) But I never expected them to be this awesome! Hilarity, chaos, drama… they single-handedly provided some of the most classic moments ever on TAR. The taxi in Chile, eliminating Rob & Amber, the sausage, the Hong Kong tasks, Charla’s heelies! So many amazing moments from them, and awesome fighting spirit. Charla is seriously tougher than most of the teams that have Raced! And Mirna is just unstoppable. Charla & Mirna… the true All-Stars.
So, that’s it for All-Stars. Season 12 is on its way! Seeing old favorites was awesome, but I can’t wait to see a whole new set of teams Race around the world! THE BEST SEASON OVERALL 1. TAR3 2. TAR8 (yes… that high) 3. TAR11:AS 4. TAR1 5. TAR5 6. TAR2 7. TAR6 8. TAR4 9. TAR10 10. TAR9 *huge gap* 11. TAR7
THE WINNING TEAMS 1. Nick, Alex, Megan, and Tommy Linz (TAR8) 2. Rob & Brennan (TAR1) 3. Tyler & James (TAR10) 4. Uchenna & Joyce (TAR7) 5. Flo & Zach (TAR3) 6. Chip & Kim (TAR5) 7. Chris & Alex (TAR2) *big gap* 7. BJ & Tyler (TAR9) 8. Eric & Danielle (TAR11:AS) 9. Reichen & Chip (TAR4) 10. Freddy & Kendra (TAR6)
THE MOST DESERVING FINAL 3 TEAM (NON-WINNERS) 1. Kris & Jon (TAR6) 2. Teri & Ian (TAR3) 2. Charla & Mirna (TARAS) 4. Ken & Gerard (TAR3) 5. Kelly & Jon (TAR4) 6. Dustin & Kandice (TARAS) 7. Eric & Jeremy (TAR9) 8. The Bransens (TAR8) 9. Frank & Margarita (TAR1)
THE TOP TEAMS (NOT IN TOP 3) THAT SHOULD HAVE GONE FURTHER 1. Teri & Ian (TARAS) 2. John Vito & Jill (TAR3) 3. The Gaghan Family (TAR8) 4. Linda & Karen (TAR5) 5. Meredith & Gretchen (TAR7) 6. The Paolo Family (TAR8) 7. The Rogers Family (TAR8) 8. Joseph & Monica (TAR9) 9 .Dennis & Erika (TAR5) 10. Jim & Marsha (TAR5) 11. Charla & Mirna (TAR5)
| THE BEST FINALE (regardless of winner) 1. TAR3 2. TAR8 *3-8 almost even* 3. TAR5 4. TAR2 5. TAR1 6. TAR6 7. TAR11: AS 8. TAR9 9. TAR4 10. TAR10 11. TAR7
THE BEST GROUP OF TEAMS 1. TAR3 2. TAR8 3. TAR1 4. TAR11: AS 5. TAR5 6. TAR10 7. TAR9 8. TAR6 9. TAR2 10. TAR4 *huge gap* 11. TAR7
MY FAVORITE AMAZING RACE TEAMS OF ALL TIME 1. Kris & Jon (TAR6) 2. Teri & Ian (TAR3/AS) 2. Charla & Mirna (TAR5/AS) 4. The Linz Family (TAR8) 5. John Vito & Jill (TAR3/AS) 6. David & Margaretta (TAR1) 7. Don & Mary Jean (TAR6) 8. Linda & Karen (TAR5) 9. Meredith & Gretchen (TAR7) 5. Erwin & Godwin (TAR10) 10. Joseph & Monica (TAR9)
| TEAM RANKINGS FOR SEASON 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. GAP 10. GAP 11. |