New music from CIX, Catch the Young, Casper True, W24, ALL(H)OURS
Monday’s have been dedicated to either King-Ohger or Gotchard recently. So the DryedMangoez Music Monday brand will shift to Thursday Tunes for a while. Hehe. And for today, I have four songs that could potentially have a spot on my year-end favorites list! Which if any of these new tracks from CIX, AB6IX, WAKER or I.M could eventually make the cut?
Right on schedule, my indecisive self says hello once again! During my annual New Year’s Eve/Day listen to my favorite songs of the year, these songs popped up on the playlist and they definitely left a lasting impression on my 2023 music year. So here’s 10 more tracks worthy of my Top 50 (60?!) of 2023!
Can you believe it’s already the halfway point of 2023?
Time really does move so fast without you knowing it. But crossing over into July means it’s time for me to list my favorite songs of the year so far!
Some song of the year candidates today with new songs from CIX, HELLO GLOOM, AB6IX and ASH ISLAND.
Hello! So starting next week, my DryedMangoez Music Monday thoughts will temporarily move to Thursdays. With The Amazing Race Australia premiering this Monday, my Sundays and Mondays and however many days Network 10 decides to air TARAu will keep me busier than usual. All in addition to other real life stuffs too.
So! For as long as The Amazing Race Australia will be on the air (and who knows how long it’ll be what with their 98+ Legs), Music Monday will Temporarily become Thursday Tunes!
Looking forward to some more great music to listen to, but on Thursdays for a while. Hee.
And what better way to kick off Thursday Tunes than with these two striking new tracks from CIX and, yes, ALAMAT!
Another epic chapter from KINGDOM, an excellent debut from NINE.i and a pair of great J-pop comebacks from INI and CIX.
As we bring 2021 to a close, it is of course time for those end-of-year lists! Lists ranking everything from TV shows to TikTok trends. You could probably find a list ranking anything you could ever imagine.
Last year, I started the Music Monday feature here on in which I shared some of the music I’ve been listening to each week. And of course, at the end of the year, I had to rank my favorites. But for me, I always have trouble ranking things. Whether it’s music or seasons of my favorite TV shows. I’m pretty indecisive that way.
It’s a good week for new music. Here’s four more excellent tracks featuring CIX, N.CUS, JO1, Siyoon.
Hold on a minute! After these four great tracks on Monday, I can’t forget another four tracks that have already been on repeat since their releases last week. And like Monday’s four, these tracks from A.C.E, DONGKIZ, Hyunjun Hur and CIX are going to get very high placements on my list at the end of the year.