Saturday Sounds, May 4, 2024 – PICKUS, 82MAJOR, TIOT, BE’O

Saturday Sounds, May 4, 2024 – PICKUS, 82MAJOR, TIOT, BE’O

New discoveries for me featuring PICKUS, 82MAJOR, TIOT, BE’O.

“Little Prince” by PICKUS

I don’t know anything about PICKUS, but I’m glad to have checked them out. This rookie group make their debut with album and title track of the same name “Little Prince”. And wow! What a great track to introduce me to them. The catch, bright track is a really pleasant surprise for me. They make an immediate impact. And the other two tracks on this debut release “Wolf” and “A-CHA!” are also great songs. Looking forward to seeing and hearing what they have in store for the future!

“Choke” by 82MAJOR

I remember checking out 82MAJOR’s debut last year, but I guess I didn’t write about it here. I do remember that their title track was okay, but I guess I didn’t continue to follow them. That is until I learned that P1Harmony’s Keeho had a brother and he was in this group! Sometimes it’s great gateways like that which can lead you to some wonderful discoveries. And so that encouraged me to check the group out a bit more. And perfect timing, they just came back with a brand new album.

“Choke” is definitely a more impactful track for me. It’s a catchy track that you can easily vibe with. And it’s not a track that you will get tired of after a couple of listens. From the rest of the mini-album Beat by 82, I like “Birthday” as well.

“Rock Thang” by TIOT

I checked out TIOT’s pre-debut release “Moonrise” a few weeks ago and liked what I saw and heard. Now the rookie group has made their official debut with “Rock Thang”. It’s definitely a different track from “Moonrise,” but a great showcase for the group’s charisma and talent. The rest of the album is solid as well.

“All Night” by BE’O

YouTube recommendations led me to rapper BE’O and his latest comeback “All Night”. Great vibes and a great performance from BE’O with this track. And definitely one that encourages me to check out more from him.

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