Filipino Friday, May 3, 2024 – Yes My Love and ECLYPSE

Filipino Friday, May 3, 2024 – Yes My Love and ECLYPSE

Enjoy these new tracks from Yes My Love and rookie group ECLYPSE!

“Laging Naroon Ka” by Yes My Love

I really loved their debut last year. Their debut track “Rhythm” was such an unexpectedly awesome song. And “Yayakapin” ended up being one of my favorite tracks of the year. So I was excited to hear Yes My Love was finally releasing some fresh new music. I’ll be honest, I’m a bit disappointed that it’s a just a cover though. Nonetheless, it’s nice to have another opportunity for this talented group to showcase their wonderful voices.

“Mascot” by ECLYPSE

“Shake It Down” by ECLYPSE

Having watched TV5’s Top Class, I’ve been following the rocky road that ECLYPSE has taken to this moment, finally their debut. And it is a pretty great debut at that. Well worth the wait? I think so! Their double title tracks “Mascot” and “Shake It Down” are such complete opposites of each other. But they actually work hand in hand, especially as a way to introduce the talented rookies to the public.

“Mascot” is a bright, sweet track. Very catchy song with positive, good vibes that is very easy to get into. Then there’s “Shake It Down” which showcases the group’s confident swagger and performance skills.

These two tracks are certainly attention-grabbing. And for many fans who have followed their journey, it is a welcome moment for ECLYPSE.

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