Category: Penthouse

Fan Casting a GMA Network Filipino Adaptation of Korean Drama “Penthouse”
Recap and Series Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 14 – “Wherever you are, I’m always with you.”
Recap and Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 13 – “If only you hadn’t shown up in my life!”
Recap and Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 12 – “After all those beatings, you still didn’t get it.”
Recap and Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 11 – “Don’t you feel dizzy if you’re up this high? People must live closer to the ground.”
Recap and Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 10 – “The next time we meet will be in hell.”
Recap and Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 9 “I told you something fun was going to happen.”
Recap and Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 8 – “I see you want to crack my head open.”
Recap and Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 7 – “You act like a total psycho!”
Recap and Review: Penthouse Season 3, Episode 6 – “Everyone’s insane! Everyone’s gone insane!”
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