Introduction → Meet the Teams → Race Tracker → Leg 1 → Leg 2 → Leg 3 → Leg 4 → Leg 5 → Leg 6 → Leg 7 → Leg 8 → Leg 9 → Leg 10 → Leg 11 → Leg 12 → Leg 13 → Leg 14 → Leg 15
This Leg of The Amazing Race Philippines: DryedMangoez Edition was “filmed” in February 2023 before the devastating and deadly wildfires on the island of Maui. You can donate to help those affected by the fires through the following ways:
-American Red Cross:
-The Hawai’I Community Foundation:
-Maui United Way:
-Maui Nui Strong:
-Hawaii Animal Rescue Foundation:
Leg 23.14 – “Sinampal ako ng hangin at tubig.”
This is it! The Penultimate Leg! For the Final Three teams, this Leg is all about positioning for the Race to the Finish Line and to avoid a Non-Elimination Penalty on the Final Leg. But it’s also extra special for the team that wins this Leg as they will get an extra P100,000 from Shell V-Power Nitro+ for a total P300,000 Leg prize!
And for this Penultimate Leg, teams will hop on the Philippine Airlines Airbus A350 and fly from Toronto to the island of Maui, Hawaii, USA!
Teams will begin the Leg bright and early at the summit of the volcano Haleakala. All teams will depart at the same time, 6:30am.
Teams will choose an all-new 2024 Kia Seltos and safely drive down the volcano to find this Jollibee location in Kahului.
Teams will pick up some special breakfast items and the next clue. And that clue reveals this is a Road Block Decision Point! Who likes beauty? And Who likes to balance?
After deciding on who will perform each Road Block, teams must now drive to the Lahaina Jodo Mission.
Teams must search this replica of a Japanese Buddhist temple for one of three bamboo poles. Then, they will head outside to tie on sandbags that equal the weight of a traditional kalua pig.
When they have the correct weight, they must carry the bamboo pole and equivalent pig weight to the Old Lahaina Luau.
Here, teams will prepare for the evening luau. First, they must prepare the imu pit by digging the pit and then correctly placing the kindling, wood pieces and stones. Teams will then light the kindling to heat up.
Next, teams will properly prepare a kalua pig. They will then properly lower the pig into the imu, cover it and leave it to cook for the rest of the day.
Teams must now drive to Punakea Palms where they will find the Detour: Niu or Wai Niu (Coconut or Coconut Milk)
In Niu, teams will need to correctly husk 60 coconuts in the traditional way.
In Wai Niu, teams will grate coconut meat and then use a cloth to extract enough milk to fill a jar.
After the Detour, teams must find the historic Banyan Tree in Lahaina.
And the waiting clue directs teams to drive the Road to Hana and find the Garden of Eden where they will find the first Road Block: Who likes beauty?
For this Road Block, teams will be given a rudimentary map which they must use to search for and find certain trees, plants and flowers endemic to the island. Teams must remember the botanical name and common English or Hawaiian name. They will then head to this overlook where they will match the photos and the names.
After the Road Block, teams must search the gardens for a canyoneering guide who will take them into the rainforest to their next clue. What teams don’t know is they will be rappelling down a waterfall where they must choose one of three clue halves which they must keep until further notice. While also receiving the next full clue.
That clue points teams to Aunty Sandy’s Banana Bread on the Ke’anae Peninsula.
Here, teams will make some of the popular and delicious banana bread and then take some with them to enjoy later as well as their next clue.
Teams must now drive to Pua’a Ka’a State Wayside Park. Teams must jump in the water and retrieve the matching clue half from their waterfall rappel. The completed clue directs teams to Ho’okipa Beach in Paia.
And here, teams will find the second Road Block: Who likes balance?
For this Road Block, teams will learn how to windsurf. When they can stay upright for a specific amount of time, they will receive the next clue.
And that clue tells teams to head back to Old Lahaina Luau to check on their kalua pig.
Teams will help unearth the cooked pig they left earlier and then take it to the Pit Stop Mat on the Old Lahaina Luau stage.
The first team to check-in here will win P300,000(!) courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.
The last team to check-in here will have to choose a Non-Elimination Penalty envelope which they must complete on the Final Leg!
^Click here to follow the teams through the Leg!
“Director’s” Commentary
So I had this Leg all planned out, all the graphics and “screencaps” done back in February when the season was “filmed”. And it’s a Leg based on my family’s trip to Maui back in 2019. So it was so heartbreaking to see the devastation left from the wildfires.
We dedicate this “episode” to the families of Maui. And definitely check out the ways you can support, if you can. =)
As for this Leg, it is definitely a very full Leg. When working out the Race Tracker for this Leg, I found out that it would originally take more than 14 hours to finish. So I had to tweak a couple of things to try and be a bit more realistic. But even then, it’s still a very long Leg. Though for a Penultimate Leg, I think it’s very fitting.
Originally, this Leg was also the Final Elimination Leg and not in Canada. We would’ve had one more Leg after this before the finale. But the route ended up this way. So we have it here as Leg 14 instead. I think it would be a nice challenging Leg though for the Final Elimination. I would’ve put in a memory task at both Punakea Palms and the Garden of Eden Route Markers for that.
Anyway, I don’t know if I should make this a CashKarera Leg. I could. Just to raise the stakes on this Penultimate Leg aside from avoiding the Non-Elimination Penalty. Maybe in the future, it will be though.
Let’s go through this Leg. We start off with sunrise at the summit of Haleakala. It should be a stunning way to begin the Leg. And I think a perfect location, even if it does take a while to get to and from here to any next Route Marker.
Another Jollibee breakfast, but it will play a role in the Final Leg hehe
I wanted to sort of recreate the kalua pig carrying from TAR14’s finale. But in 2023, maybe carrying around a pig and dropping it on the street and stuff like that may be not too appropriate anymore lol Using sandbags with the equivalent weight to a pig is the next best thing! And we won’t have to waste any pigs!
I have the Lahaina Jodo Mission for where teams pick up the bamboo pole and sandbags since it’s near the Old Lahaina Luau.
At the Luau, setting up the imu and kalua pig is just a good task to do. Originally, I actually had teams prepare the imu, leave to let it heat up and go do the Detour and then have teams come back after the Detour to prepare the pig. Just to have that interesting back and forth to trip up teams in some way, I dunno. Hehe But to save time, I just decided to put both tasks together.
Like I said earlier, Punakea Palms originally had a memory task. But since this is not the Final Elimination Leg anymore, I just put this simple Detour instead.
Of course we have to visit the Banyan Tree! Originally, the Pit Start would’ve been here and I would’ve had Haleakala in the middle of the Leg. Where again, another memory task. But I just switched it around.
I wanted teams to drive at least some of the Road to Hana. Such an interesting drive and beautiful one too. The Garden of Eden is just a nice location to take advantage of the fauna and nature. Could’ve done a Jurassic Park task here, but I remembered seeing the little signs of the plant names so I thought it would be a good, tricky task here.
I didn’t do the rappelling myself, but Google scouting showed that there was a canyoneering trip that leaves from Garden of Eden. So why not have it here.
Aunty Sandy’s banana bread is delicious and it’s just a nice location to visit on the Road to Hana. I highly recommend it.
I wanted teams to also stop at one of the many waterfalls along the Road to Hana. It could easily trip up teams as they could easily miss the correct location. Probably would be good for an early Leg with many teams. But here, I just had teams visit this easier to find location. Also again to save time! It’s getting late! Lol
I almost removed this windsurfing Road Block if the Leg went too long, but I also wanted teams to get in the water. And I also needed another task to make this drive on the Road to Hana a bit more fulfilling.
Finally, returning to Old Lahaina Luau for an evening Pit Stop would be perfect. We connect the kalua pig task from earlier and we have teams enjoying the evening festivities.
Overall, a very full Leg. Definitely a long day. But hopefully some good competition.