Episodes 7 and 8 of Taxi Driver 2 were definitely much better than the last pair. We got just enough new information and detail with our sketchy new friend On Ha Joon. And the case of the week was much more engaging with a nice touch of levity as well.
First with the greater arc of the season, seeing On Ha Joon meticulously planning his own revenge against our Rainbow Taxi friends was good. We have enough of a taste for what he is capable of, especially with the scene in his office. Knowing that he is not some low-level goon of some greater power, but actually someone pulling the strings definitely adds an extra bit of danger and makes for a bigger threat to the team.
I like that the two episodes didn’t necessarily dwell on having to explain everything about him right away. And I don’t expect Do Ki to actually have him all figured out when we come back from cliffhanger in Episode 9. So seeing the tension rising in the second half of this season will be fun to watch.
I do hope that they somehow connect Ha Joon to maybe something in season one. It would really help to expand the world of Taxi Driver and add even more support and foundation to what looks to be this season’s main conflict. Doing so would also help set-up potential future seasons too by showing the world our Rainbow Taxi friends operate in carries a lot of danger and threats. Makes their work even more important and amazing.
Speaking of, the case of the week was certainly interesting. The idea of cults and how they have manipulated and scammed the vulnerable are nothing new to Korean drama. But the case presented in these episodes was easy to set-up and understand. The story of sisters Lee Jin Hee and Lee Jin Sun was a relatable one. And actors Kim Eun Bi and Jung Ji Woo did a great job to help you immediately connect with the characters.
The struggles of the everyday Korean always provide opportunities for meaningful and emotional story. And adding to that the ideas of family and the burden some are willing to take on themselves really gave this pair of episodes the necessary depth to work.
And being able to touch upon Go Eun’s own situation as well added even more ways to be able to connect with the story.
These episodes also returned to what Taxi Driver does best. Being able to tell deep, emotional stories with a levity and lighthearted touch that has the audience crying one minute and laughing the next. The series’ excellent tonal balance is one of its biggest strengths. And they definitely balanced the more dramatic moments in these episodes with some truly fun moments as well.
It was great seeing the team be very involved in the field once again. But Lee Je Hoon as the shaman is another example of his pitch perfect performance on this series. Being able to slip in and out of every disguise and character with such ease definitely has powered Taxi Driver to such creative highs.
All the scenes at the temple and of Lee Je Hoon as the shaman were hilarious and fun. And having that balance made the ultimate conclusion to the case even more satisfying.
I’m looking forward to the next episodes with the special guest stars. But for this pair of episodes, I’m just happy that the show is easily back to its normal self. And that Episodes 5 and 6 were just an exception to Taxi Driver‘s excellent run so far.