For this 13th Leg of the Race, teams will fly to Belize City, Belize. Unfortunately, COVID is “still creating chaos” for flight reservations and that has resulted in Angel being bumped off of the flight from Cartagena. She will have to fly on her own to Cancun and then travel by land into Belize where she will reunite with Frankie. Until then, Frankie will Race alone.
Upon arrival in Belize, teams receive $125 and must direct their driver using TomTom on their Samsung Galaxy phones to Belize Exotic Adventures in the rainforest. At the location, teams will search the forest for a bag of firewood and a bag of cashew nuts. They will then light a fire and prepare a roasting pot. When heated, the teams will pour in the cashew nuts and stir until they pop and ignite. They will use a tree branch to extinguish the fire, dump the cashews on the ground, place ash on them to cool them down and then proceed to carefully crack and remove the nuts. Once they fill a jar, they will receive the next clue.
The five teams get started with the task and Pako & Mori finish first. They open the next clue revealing a Road Block: Who’s feeling thrifty? For this Road Block, teams head to Travellers Liquors Distillery where they must properly clean 36 recycled rum bottles.
Flick & Gabby, Heath & Toni and Frankie are next to finish. Chelsea & Jamus are in last leaving the cashews.
Mori, Gabby, Heath, Frankie and Jamus do the Road Block. Frankie reminds Jamus to also clean off the expiration dates printed on the bottles. Mori asks for a check, but all his bottles get the thumbs down. Toni calls Heath over to watch the demonstration again. Both Heath and Mori realize they have not been scraping the dates off.
That allows Gabby, who did scrape the dates off, to finish first. They open the next clue telling them to head to the Belize Zoo. But since it is already nighttime, they must check-in at the local Best Western Plus using their own moneys. Teams will depart in the morning in the order they check-in.
On the way to the Best Western, Pako & Mori realize they must have dropped their Leg moneys at the cashews. When they arrive, Flick & Gabby decide to invite them to their room instead of them having to drive all the way back to the cashew forest and not even being sure the money is there.
After a good night’s rest, the teams start a whole new Leg continue the Leg in the morning. At the Belize Zoo, teams must serve a tapir its breakfast and then clean and refill its waste pool to receive the next clue. But they must complete the task before the tapir finishes eating as they can get aggressive.
Angel arrives in the middle of the night and she can continue the Leg with Frankie.
While preparing their gear to clean, Heath & Toni find they are missing a pair of gloves. Without them, Toni won’t be able to go inside the enclosure. They run around trying to find some and find out Jamus actually took an extra pair, by accident.
Angel & Frankie move into first place and open the next clue revealing the Detour: Heat or Beat. Once teams have reached the Detour location, they cannot switch. In Heat, teams must eat 25 piping hot pies at Dano’s Pies. In Beat, teams must learn and perform “Waltzing Matilda” using steel drums.
Flick & Gabby are next to finish followed by Chelsea & Jamus and Heath & Toni. Pako & Mori are last, but they have to leave the waste pool now even though they have not refilled it with water. They figure out they can turn the water on from outside the enclosure, so they avoid a penalty.
On the way to the Detour, Jamus sticks his head out of their car to yell out an apology to Heath & Toni who are behind them. Heath & Toni says it’s alright and she asks them if they’re eating. When Jamus says he is, Toni jokes that she will forgive him if he eats five of their pies.
Angel & Frankie and Flick & Gabby, meanwhile, head to the Beat Detour and start to learn the tune. But they both have a bit of trouble.
At the pies, Heath & Toni point out that Chelsea & Jamus have not returned the lid onto their pot of pies, which the clue directed them to do in order to keep them piping hot. After having already eaten 14-15 pies, Chelsea & Jamus have to go and get a fresh pot of 25. But both teams finish at basically the same time. They can now head to the Pit Stop at Baron Bliss Lighthouse.
It’s a footrace to the Mat. Both teams go the opposite direction and Chelsea & Jamus manage to score the Leg win. They win a trip to Cradle Coast, Tasmania, courtesy of Intrepid Travel. Heath & Toni are a close 2nd.
Flick & Gabby go up on stage for their first attempt, but fail. Angel & Frankie give it a try, but fail as well. Pako & Mori arrive and get started with learning.
Flick starts to grow frustrated that she is not getting the tune. Gabby tries to encourage her and they go for their third attempt, but fail once again.
Pako & Mori pass on their first attempt. Flick & Gabby are next to pass, but Angel & Frankie are right behind them. It’s a three-team footrace to the Mat.
Pako & Mori step on the Mat as Team #3. Angel & Frankie end up passing Flick & Gabby and they step on the Mat in 4th. That means Flick & Gabby are last and unfortunately eliminated.
Episode Thoughts
And the week of TARAu begins! It’s going to be an exhausting week lol
But what a horrible way to start the week with Flick & Gabby’s elimination. I absolutely blame the horrible Leg design. That overnight rest in the middle of the Leg was nonsense. And of course, the COVID teams getting to skip those Legs over more deserving teams is horrible too.
First though, Angel getting knocked off of the flight. That is kind of sketch. Why couldn’t one of the crew members have gotten kicked off instead? So random.
This reminds me of The Amazing Race China 4 where Wu Minxia had to Race on the Leg 2 by herself because her husband Zhang Xiaocheng had some passport problems before flying to Denmark. Wu Minxia actually did very well by herself and finished 5th out of 8 teams. And it wasn’t an easy Leg either. So watching her that time was really exciting.
But that was passport problems. Here, the flight was overbooked? Huh? I dunno. Anyway, it’s okay. I’ll be a hypocrite with no penalties for feeding children. But I won’t be a hypocrite with having no problem with this Racing alone thing since I didn’t mind with TAR China 4. Lol
Anyway, this Leg would’ve been a great Leg had there not been that Best Western commercial in the middle. WTF was that? They could’ve easily just held teams for tomorrow morning instead of splitting the Leg up like this. All the tasks were great. The cashew nuts was tedious and a good way to start the Leg. The bottle cleaning was detail-oriented. The tapir task was just getting down and dirty. And the Detour was two uniquely challenging tasks.
This could’ve been one of the best Legs of the season. But nope. TARAu just had to find a way to mess it up somehow.
And yes, Flick & Gabby getting eliminated just makes it even worse!
Team Thoughts
It was tough seeing Angel & Frankie and Flick & Gabby fighting to avoid last place. The two strongest teams fighting against each other to stay in the Race. They’re supposed to be the two teams fighting against each other to the Finish Line! Ugh.
It’s sad. But it’s more annoying thinking about the COVID teams coming back next Leg.
Anyway, happy for Chelsea & Jamus winning the Leg. They’ve calmed down a lot and coincidentally, it’s resulted in them Racing better!
I hope the remaining teams from this Leg end up the Final Four. Otherwise… ugh. Sorry, no offense to the COVID teams.
Episode Quotes
Beau: “It sort of smells like my uncle’s house.”
Jamus: “Is it Christmas?”
Cashew Man: “Actually New Year.”
Chelsea: “It’s not going down the hole.”