Introduction → Leg 1 → Leg 2 → Leg 3 → Leg 4A → Leg 4B → Leg 5 → Leg 6 → Leg 7 → Leg 8 → Leg 9 → Leg 10 → Leg 11 → Leg 12
Leg 15.11 – “I’m climbin’ it!”
This is it! The penultimate Leg to decide which three teams will get the chance to Race to the Finish Line. And this penultimate Leg begins with teams flying to Macau, China!
All teams will be on the same Korean Air and Jin Air flights via Incheon arriving in Macau at 1:35am. Once in Macau, teams must make their way to bright and colorful Praca de Ferreira do Amaral and search for their next clue.
That clue tells teams they won’t be in Macau for long! Because now, teams must catch a ferry to Hong Kong!
Teams must then make their way to the picturesque Sai Wan Swimming Shed.
At 7am, teams will take a morning dip in the water in order to receive their next clue.
And that clue tells teams they will be heading to the happiest place on Earth! Asian Earth that is… Hong Kong Disneyland! Their clue awaits them at the front gate. And that clue reveals a Double Road Block: Who wants to be a star? And who wants a supporting role?
For this Double Road Block, both team members will dress in costumes as they join the Flights of Fantasy parade. The team member who wants to be a star will learn and perform a routine from an aerealist where they must do specific flips and moves while suspended in the air on a float. They will then perform the routine as the parade moves down Main Street U.S.A. The other team member will have to dance alongside the float. If teams cannot successfully complete the routine before the parade ends, they must start over.
After the Double Road Block, teams will open the next clue revealing the Detour: Meet the Stars or Light Up the Stars.
In Meet the Stars, teams will be given a list of famous Disney characters and using a provided map, must find them in the park, get their autographs and present them to Mickey and Minnie Mouse at Sleeping Beauty’s Castle to receive their next clue.
In Light Up the Stars, teams will help replace LED bulbs on two large star lights used in the nightly Paint the Night parade. Teams will then light them up and deliver them across the park to Mickey and Minnie Mouse to receive their next clue.
Teams can now head to the Inspiration Lake Recreation Centre.
Here, teams must slide wood blocks while suspended over the lake to retrieve a flag in the middle of a ropes course. If teams fall off or grab the flag before they have reached the middle of the course, they must start over.
Teams must now find the famous Sam’s Tailor.
Here, teams will receive an order and then head to the workshop nearby to prepare the fabric for brand new suit pants. They will start sewing the basic outline and then return their work to the main Sam’s Tailor store to receive the next clue.
That clue tells teams to make their way to Lin Fa Temple in Tai Hang.
Here, teams must participate in the Tai Hang Fire Dragon Dance. They will take 300 burning joss sticks and insert them onto a pomelo to complete the Pearl. They will then hold the Pearl and join the dragon dance to receive their next clue.
Teams must head to the Hong Kong Construction Industry Council.
Teams will learn how to construct bamboo scaffolding, widely used here in Hong Kong. Once they have correctly completed a section, they will receive their next clue.
That clue tells teams to carry three bunches of bamboo scaffolding and deliver them on foot to this nearby address. And here, teams will find the Road Block: Who’s feeling bamboo-zled?
Teams must remember that each team member can only perform up to six Road Blocks for each 12 on a Race. And for this Road Block, teams must climb up the bamboo scaffolding and retrieve their clue at the top.
That clue tells teams to “Find a golden flower on foot.” That refers to Golden Bauhinia Square. And the clue they find here tells them to travel by ferry and then on foot to…
West Kowloon Waterfront Promenade, the Pit Stop for this Leg of the Race.
The first team to check in here will win P200,000 courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.
The last team to check in here WILL be eliminated.
“Director’s ” Commentary
A wonderful, very full penultimate Leg! Just the way I like it.
So this Leg is obviously (or not, depending on if you watched lol) based on TAR China 4’s premiere Leg. We recycle the great Inspiration Lake task with the sliding board and the tedious, but great cultural task at the temple.
The rest of the Leg should be more original. We start off with a flight to Macau instead of directly to Hong Kong merely for logistics. I need teams to arrive at Sai Wan Swimming Shed at sunrise so they can freeze in the morning dip. lol I see online that Sunset is the best time for Instagram pics here, but TARPHDME has already had a nighttime Hong Kong penultimate Leg all the way back in Season 2. (And it was a great one!)
Next up is Hong Kong Disneyland. I think a lot of TAR fans have wanted to see TAR visit a Disney theme park on the show. And we will definitely maximize our time here. Especially since any Disney theme park visit will most likely be sponsored by the place itself. Hee.
The Double Road Block is a typical performance-type task. Specifically, it’s one of those acrobat-ish type flips that has been done on TAR many times. *Spoiler alert for future TARPHDME season* I’m definitely going to recycle TAR China 3’s Road Block from the opening Leg in Beijing that had teams needing to do endless flips up Bird’s Nest Stadium. That was amazing.
The Detour then will be the best Disneyland promo this Leg as it gets teams running around the entire park. In total, both the Double Road Block and Detour should keep teams at Disneyland for a few hours up until midday. So it will definitely be sulit for the location.
Next, I decided to insert this task from TAR27. Just to fill out the Leg even more. It’s a simple, straightforward task. And Sam’s Tailor is quite famous. It’s in a good spot here between Inspiration Lake and Lin Fa Temple also.
The next two tasks are the recycled tasks from TAR China. I liked both and why not include them here to make this penultimate Leg that much more challenging and full.
Finally, the highlight of this penultimate Leg should be everything related to the bamboo scaffolding. I haven’t watched the TAR11 Hong Kong Legs in a while, so I don’t remember exactly how their bamboo task was. Here, it’s basically three parts. First up is teams learning how to construct bamboo scaffolding. That should be a great challenge on its own even. Next, teams have to carry bamboo through Hong Kong streets. That should definitely be fun. And finally, climbing up actual bamboo scaffolding should be awesome. Even more, one team member will be forced to do it since this is the 12th Road Block of the Race.
The Leg finishes with some more walking which could provide some extra drama at the end.
Overall, I think this is a pretty good, if not excellent full Leg. Worthy of being a penultimate Leg I think.