The 5th Leg begins as teams must now drive themselves to the rice fields of Barangay Bidbiday in Galimuyod, Ilocos Sur. There, teams will get to experience one of the most iconic Amazing Race challenges of all time!
Teams must plow a rice field using a carabao, or water buffalo, until the plow unearths a clue in the mud. One team member must work the plow while the other guides the carabao.
Matt & Phoebe and Jet & Yna get instructions from the farmer on how to handle the carabao and suggests the men handle the plow. The farmer also suggests some commands to help guide their new friend.
Matt & Phoebe are excited to see how the rich kids Jet & Yna will deal with this down and dirty task.
Meanwhile, RR & Jeck are proud they are “the winner” of the girls since the “Blondinas” were ligwaked. Kelvin & JP are determined to get themselves out of last.
Jet & Yna’s carabao is not interested in helping them and instead wants to eat. They switch positions.
Matt & Phoebe, on the other hand, find their clue and are off to the Bangui Windmills. After the slow start, Jet & Yna finally find their clue soon after.
AJ & Jody arrive just as Jet & Yna leave. They hop into the mud, but decide to take off their shoes first. Jody handles the plow while AJ guides and they quickly unearth the clue.
Roch & Eji arrive next and their carabao is very excited to get to work, but not in the direction his new friends want. Vince & Ed arrive and Vince is really grossed out by this task. They try to figure out a formula.
AJ & Jody get themselves washed off before leaving. AJ shouts to the locals, “Ayayaten kayo!” / “I love you all!”
The locals happily reply, “Wen!!!”
Back in the field, Roch & Eji’s carabao takes them for a fun, shriek-filled ride.
Meanwhile, RR & Jeck decide to stop for some pandesal for breakfast on the way. And Kelvin & JP decide to stop and pee.
RR & Jeck arrive at the rice field while Roch & Eji and Vince & Ed are still there. Vince & Ed finally find the clue and Vince makes Ed pull the clue out of the mud because it’s too gross. They read the clue and Vince groans about how far the Bangui windmills are.
Now it’s time for Eji to take a pee break by the side of the rice field just as RR & Jeck’s carabao also pees.
Kelvin & JP arrive and their carabao is also excited to run around.
Roch starts feeling dizzy and seeing white, so she takes a moment and pours water on herself.
RR & Jeck finally find their clue. RR falls into the mud trying to pull it out. Roch & Eji are close behind.
Kelvin & JP are in last again, but still stay positive and are excited to drive up to the windmills.
Episode Thoughts
No one took the carabao side of the Detour last season, so why not bring it back as a required task this year. YES! Definitely one of the most fun episodes this season so far.
Of course, “My Ox is Broken” is still one of the most memorable and maybe even iconic challenges ever on The Amazing Race. And any chance for teams on The Amazing Race to have fun with the national animal of the Philippines is always going to result in some great television.
The episode was all fun and cute. No Colin-like meltdowns. And having the locals there too cheering them on, laughing and replying (“Wen!!!”) made it even more fun.
Just look though at how technology has changed in 10 years. There were no GoPro cameras to attach to the plows or DRONES! taking awesome aerial shots of the entire field when season 5 first aired in 2004. Definitely added a fresh aspect to the memorable task.
I hope whenever TARUS returns to the Philippines and they likely do a Switchback to the task, they use the GoPros and drones as well.
Just a fun, awesome episode. (And YAY at actually being able to watch it!)
And for a throwback, here’s the original #MyOxisBroken:
My Subjective Team Rankings for this Episode
All the teams delivered this episode I think.
Roch & Eji‘s shrieks of happiness (or frustration? lol) were hilarious fun. That’s definitely the kind of reaction you would want to see and enjoy when watching people playing around with carabaos and mud.
I give Jet & Yna bonus points for mentioning that they remember the original task from TAR5. With all the alliance talk in recent Legs, I’ve forgotten that Jet & Yna are actually big TAR fans. (Which is why they should know alliances are bad! lolol) Apparently, they even said Colin’s iconic “My ox is broken!” quote, but it didn’t make the episode. =( I bet non-Filipino die-hard TAR fans would LOVE Jet & Yna if there were a clip of them referring to Colin and TAR5.
It’s great to see Kelvin & JP‘s positive attitude, even when they’re in last. They’re definitely the comeback kids (or #MiracleBoys, as they prefer) and it’s only a matter of time before they complete their comeback by finally getting out of last place. (Hopefully!)
Jeck & RR are still hilarious. The peeing carabao relieved him/herself with the perfect team to illicit the perfect reactions. lol Then there’s them stopping for some pandesal and it appears RR will be having lunch while Jeck does the Road Block at the windmills. I want them to hustle more, but seeing them do stuff like this is still amusing.
Bonus points also to AJ & Jody for AJ’s Ilocano. (I think he also used some Ilocano in La Union to charm the locals at the palengke.) Plus them taking off their shoes and just getting in the mud was great.
In addition to hearing more British-accented back and forth from Matt & Phoebe, I hope Phoebe pulls out more Ilocano too. And funny how it wasn’t the rich kids that appeared to complain or be grossed out the most, but Vince & Ed. There’s no formula to avoid getting down and dirty. Hehe.
Episode Quotes
Jeck: “Bastos kang kalabaw ka!”