Teams must drive to the Costa Villa Resort in San Juan for the Road Block for this Leg of the Race.
Assuming this task is exactly like the TAR Asia and Australia ones: For this Road Block, teams must figure out how to pass through rows of surfers to get to the king surfer who will hand them the next clue. In each row of surfers, only one will let them pass while the others will block them. For each failed attempt, they must return to the start. If they fail three attempts in one run, they must go to the end of the line.
At this point of the available uploaded episode, Roch & Eji are the 5th team to arrive while Vince is on his 3rd run and 2nd attempt when he gets the next clue. He and Ed are in 3rd place.
Jody fails his three attempts on his first run. Roch tries to be cute, but it doesn’t help and she also fails.
Jody and Roch fail their 2nd runs. Jody is on his 3rd run and 2nd attempt and he finally reaches the end. Roch gets it on her 3rd run as well.
RR & Jeck arrive and RR decides to do the Road Block. She manages to luck out on her 2nd run just as Tina & Avy and Kelvin & JP arrive.
Both Tina and Kelvin fail their first and second runs. And both get it on their third runs with Tina & Avy in 7th place and Kelvin & JP still in last.
Episode Thoughts
This surfboard task was the best of the three end of Leg luck tasks so far. Though technically, there is still one more task tomorrow. But it was actually a nice, creative version of the tasks from TAR Asia and Australia which featured warriors instead.
TARPh’s version was actually a little more difficult and time consuming though. TARA4’s Road Block in Korea only had three rows of guards while TARAu2’s Road Block at the Great Wall didn’t require teams to run back to the beginning after every wrong coice. So kudos for adjusting aspects of the task.
Didn’t get to see the first 10 minutes of the episodes since it’s missing from the uploads, but while I did like the task, it’s still bad placement on a Leg that has been the most Linear so far. No chance for any placement changes at all this Leg.
For these long Legs, it appears there definitely needs to be an equalizer somewhere along the way. NOT a Double Battle though. No no no.
DRONE!!! Did you see that drone’s shadow as it took aerial shots? So awesome. TARUS totally needs to use drones in the future.
And for the Pit Stop episode, YES! There’s actually another Route Marker in the episode and not just people driving or running to the Pit Stop. I hope that’s how it’ll work moving forward. Having ONLY the Pit Stop in the last episode of the Leg has been really tedious.
Again, nothing much to change team rankings for me this episode.
Though I have so many caps (thanks TV5!), but such a short recap.