The Go-Busters are taking care of a non-Messiah Metaroid, Densharoid II. Meanwhile, Enter takes the newly arrived Densharoid Megazord and installs a lonely Messiah card into it. The Megazord sucks up some Enetron and it becomes a Messiah Metaroid. That initiates another Megazord transport, but when it arrives, it’s nowhere to be found.
The Megazord begins to run away, then turns into a train and disappears. The Go-Busters head back to command center.
But across town, the Densharoid Megazord Metaroid Train is picking people up. Or, more like sucking them in.
First, at No Self Respect Station, a businessman who made a mistake at work and is down on himself. Next stop, Crybaby Station and a little boy who falls while playing with a ball. Next stop, No Willpower Station and a woman who can’t help but eat some yummy cake. And finally, Pessimist Station where it picks up a dejected student and Yoko manages to get sucked in with him.
The Densharoid announces it will be collecting data on their weaknesses. The passengers sit, feeling hopeless and Yoko tries to cheer them up so the Metaroid can’t collect any more data.
Enter is with Escape and comments how she’s been well behaved lately and doesn’t know if this is just one of her whims. Since one of her Papa’s cards is in him, she’s got to take of it.
Jin and J arrive at the command center and wonder why Hiromu and Ryuji are so calm. It’s because they have a plan. They’ve figured out the kidnapped people were all depressed and weakened. So, they’ve predicted the train’s path and have Nakamura out there to act as bait so they can break in.
Inside the train, Yoko gives the four passengers some of her sweets then decides to sing and dance for them. They begin to cheer up when suddenly, Densharoid announces they are stopping and the train abruptly comes to a halt causing Yoko to slam her face on the window.
“I’m so dumb,” Yoko says.
Nakamura is still putting on her act when she hears the train approaching. But Densharoid announces they are passing by this station and instead will stop ahead to take care of a problem in the train.
Inside, the woman is putting a band-aid on Yoko’s forehead and the others tell her they’re feeling a lot better now seeing that even Go-Busters makes mistakes.
Densharoid announces for them to stop “feeling positive” in the train or they’ll suffer greatly. Yoko fights off the just arrived Buglars as Jin and J manage to provide a path for Hiromu and Ryuji to enter the Megazord and train.
Densharoid turns back into a train and leaves. Enter stops Hiromu and Ryuji and tells them the Metaroid is actually collecting two sets of data. Ryuji heads to the engine room while Hiromu tries to keep Enter busy. They jump out of the train and back onto the ground where Enter goes into his Enter Unite form with Hiromu going Powered Custom.
Ryuji arrives in the engine room where Escape meets him as she goes into her own Escape Evolve form. They begin to fight as Densharoid announces to please stop roughhousing in the cars.
Yoko is about to set off to help, but her battery’s running low and she’s out of sweets. The woman takes a cake/pork bun/pastry/food out of her bag and gives it to Yoko, thanking her for being encouraging earlier. Yoko wakes up and henshins and as the others continue to cheer her on.
Escape happily plays with Ryuji as Yoko arrives goes Powered Custom and aims right at the engine of the ship. She and Ryuji get out while Messiah’s voice calls out for Escape.
Hiromu realizes Enter has a card inside him as Jin and J uses Hercules Crisis to try and finish off the Megazord. But the Messiah Card is still intact and it turns out the Megazord that had arrive but could not find was inside Densharoid and now Escape is piloting it.
Escape says Papa’s looking good. Enter explains Densharoid wasn’t only collecting data on weaknesses, but also on human strength and how they overcome weaknesses. This will help Messiah continue to grow from now on.
Hiromu calls on Lioh and attempts a finisher, but it doesn’t work. Escape and the Megazord stumble a little and Enter says it appears unstable as it has just evolved, so that’ll be it for today. They disappear.
Hiromu realizes what Enter has accomplished and flashes back to the Subdimension.
Episode Thoughts
Ooo! So I started the episode thinking, Is this going to be another filler-type episode when we’re only a couple of episodes left before the finale?
So while I enjoyed seeing them start the episode already in battle again, I was expecting another fun, if not filler-y episode. But they pulled a Supernatural fast one and ended the episode with the important stuff. Everything actually leading up to that big reveal.
And it’s pretty big. I know I was wondering why things were moving so slowly, especially on Enter and Escape’s side. They were literally absent last episode.
Well, they have what, for now, looks like an immortal Messiah Megazord. That definitely makes things a little harder for the Go-Busters.
I really hope the next couple of episodes leading up to the finale ramp up the action though. They’ve been a little all over the place, though still fun, since they plunged into the Subdimension.
Yoko’s singing was definitely cute and it was sweet when the four depressed passengers cheered her up and on in return later.
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The fights in the episode are still as good like last time, but this time around, they put more emphasis on their special abilities and on how they can use it for their team attacks. It is impressive on how they executed it. The mecha fights in this episode is still the same quality like that of the episode except we have a group of robots pretending to be a train. I was expecting that the reason why Go-BusterOh wasn’t able to move much in the previous episode was because of the lack of Enetron, in this episode, it barely moved. He was just standing the whole time, waiting for the enemy to strike. Just like last time, he does his finisher move and that’s about it. Guess Go-BusterOh will continue to disappoint me until they decided to make it a movable, fighting robot like the DairenOh, the same type of robot coming from Gosei Sentai Dairanger that utilizes the same gimmick in terms of mecha combination.
o blue buster carregando a yellow foi bonito ele é forte