Shashiro and Mira are helping BunBun do some summer cleaning at the mansion when they stumble upon a box of some of Taiya’s childhood drawings. The one that catches their eye seems to be of Taiya as a firefighter.
Coincidentally, as the General3 are sweltering in the heat, they stumble upon a fire extinguisher. Ittasha keys it in to bring about Shokaki Guruma.
At the ISA, Jou arrives after being summoned by Investigator Shirabe. She tells him about a series of unexplained arson. Because she believes the Hashiryan might be involved, she would like Jou to investigate.
Back at the garage, BunBun asks Taiya what his dream is. Taiya says of course it is to deliver BunBun back to the BGP. BunBun presses Taiya on what other dreams he might have, but Taiya is a bit shy to say. An eager BunBun accidentally ends up knocking the computers offline. He runs out embarrassed.
Later, Sakito and Byundi find BunBun on a rooftop. Seeing how down he is, they figure he must have had a fight with Taiya. BunBun tells them about Taiya’s dream and it made him realize that he actually doesn’t know much about Taiya. BunBun considers Taiya his good friend. That’s why he wants to know more about him and make his childhood dream come true.
“You guys have it all don’t you,” Sakito says under his breath.
Byundi says BunBun shouldn’t worry too much and believes he has what it takes to help Taiya with his dream. Byundi tells BunBun to think about what he has learned since coming to this planet. That helps BunBun come to a realization and he goes bakuage back home.
Sakito says he’s jealous of being that innocent. Byundi is pleasantly surprised by Sakito’s honesty.
Meanwhile, Officer Jou is wondering where to start with his investigation. He runs into Genba who curiously is playing the part of the Candy Detective today. He offers to help Jou and they go around to visit a couple of the arson victims.
Genba asks each one what the situation was when the fires started and he seems to have an idea about what is going on. Jou has no clue what Genba is thinking though.
Just then, they spot the General3 walking about and decide to follow them. The General3 visit a grandma at her apartment under the guise that they are distributing free fire extinguishers to stay safe for the summer.
After the General3 leave, Jou is ready to follow them again. But Genba says they should make sure there are no further casualties. They hurry to the grandma’s apartment and barge in just in time. Jou manages to grab the extinguisher before it explodes in grandma’s face.
Genba confirms his suspicions. The fire extinguishers respond whenever people use any homophone of the word “fire”/カジ.
Genba calls the others to help with recovering the Hashiryan fire extinguishers that have been distributed around the city.
While Taiya is on a rooftop shocked to see the gassholin flying into the sky, BunBun arrives back home and is in the garage. He hears the Boonbooms over the line saying they have recovered all the fire extinguishers.
BunBun sees everyone is giving their all, so he will do what he can as well. He’s learned so much after coming to Earth and making the Cars with Taiya. So he knows just what to do now to make Taiya’s dream come true.
Taiya finds the General3. The Kurumaju taunts Taiya about being alone. But the others arrive too. And with the faulty fire extinguishers. The Boonbooms henshin and first fight off Nejirettas.
Shokaki Guruma blows fire at them. Jou tries to shield them, but gets hurled back. The Kurumaju engulfs them in a circle of fire, threatening to overheat the Boonbooms. The General3 are excited to see they might finally win today against the Boonbooms
Sakito and BunBun accompany BunBun who is here to make a delivery. BunBun tosses a case to Taiya.
Taiya opens it to reveal the Zoonzoom Shoka Blaster. He is reminded of his childhood drawing and he uses the Blaster to uphenshin to Bun Red 119
BunBun cheers Taiya on as he is able to use his Zoonzoom firefighting power against the Kurumaju. After Taiya finishes him off, Yaruka shoots the Beam and it embiggens.
The Boonbooms hop into Boonboom Robo Monster. Sakito and Byundi join with Byunbyun Mach Robo to help the others upgattai to Wing Boonboomger Robo Monster. Able to counter the fire, the Boonboomgers deliver a Boonboom finish to take care of Kurumaju for good.
Back at the garage, BunBun apologizes to Taiya. But Taiya thanks him for being able to make his childhood dream come true. BunBun gives Taiya a big hug.
Shashiro, Jou and Mira see that Taiya actually has a lot of drawings from his childhood. Mira says Taiya is just full of big dreams. “That’s the man they call Handou Taiya for ya!” Shashiro proudly states.
Genba steps into the spotlight with the lesson for the week. Any sincere dream can come true one day!
Episode Thoughts
What a wonderfully sweet episode! A warm episode which is certainly suited to the summery vibes. There’s something about the summer episodes of either Toei toku. I think the warm days give off a nice nostalgic vibe. And I think that was very much the case here.
I really loved that scene of BunBun with Byundi and Sakito. That short minute was nice insight into each of their characters. BunBun is just a nice and sincere guy, wanting to help his friend Taiya. And especially with Taiya having done so much for him. With Byundi, he really felt like a great big brother to BunBun. (I hope we see more of that, especially from their time in the BGP.) And then we got the hints of loneliness from Sakito it seems like, perhaps hinting at his own backstory as well.
Which of course brings us to Taiya and his backstory too. Very nice and subtle moments from him, especially when BunBun first asks him about his dreams. I would love to see a story about Taiya’s potential loneliness growing up having been a catalyst for his big dreams. Like we saw with the others seeing his many drawings. Perhaps this is all seed planting for the future and any revelations we might get regarding Taiya and how he came to become a heroic rich guy. Very exciting!
Also exciting was the debut of Bun Red 119! I had no idea about the power up and new form so it really was very exciting to see! I especially loved the explosive action sequence after the uphenshin.
This was also a fun episode for Jou and Genba. We see more of Officer Jou being the earnest public servant. And we saw Genba showing a quirkier side of himself too.
The General3 also showing how they can be goofballs, but also dangerous as well. I mean, they had no problem enjoying seeing fire extinguishers blow up in people’s faces. Even a grandma!
Overall, just another wonderful, fun and exciting episode with the Boonbooms.