The Go-Busters get a call from an art collector who wants 10 million yen for a Messiah card he’s found. Kuroki tells them to go persuade him to just hand it over, but when they’re there, a sunglassed, pink-haired woman flies in and easily steals the card from the man’s safe.
She manages to fight the Go-Busters off and leaves them a business card, calling herself Phantom Thief Pink Buster. They chase after her.
Pink Buster bumps Yoko’s butt right off of the fire escape, then slides through Ryuji’s legs and throws powder at him. She then outruns Hiromu until Buglars pop up. Ryuji and Yoko handle the Buglars while Hiromu continues pursuing Pink Buster.
It’s suddenly daytime! And Hiromu doesn’t recognize her walking right past him without her Pink Buster outfit. They head back to command center where Nakamura tells them about Pink Buster’s record and of only stealing from villains.
The Go-Busters head out when the Metaroid, Louperoid appears at the rich guy’s home. It collects the man’s greedy soul data which then prompts him to happily hand over his valuable collection to the Go-Busters. Ryuji stays behind to deal with the guy while Hiromu and Yoko chase after the Metaroid.
They split up and Hiromu runs into Pink Buster. She’s too quick for him, but he manages to take her glasses off and realizes he didn’t recognize her when she had walked past. She introduces herself as Reika and walks up close to his face and asks to close his eyes. She swipes his Morphin Brace and says she’ll return it and hand over the card if he helps her with a job.
She grabs Hiromu’s hand and has him dress up as her driver/butler as they go look a expensive collector’s items and jewelry.
Meanwhile, the others back at the command center realize the Metaroid is collecting data on materialism.
Hiromu wonders why Reika has chosen what she wants to steal, but calls her out on actually just wanting to lure out the Metaroid to defeat it. She admits that the card she has with her is fake because the real one had fused with her magnifying glass while in the car after eluding her.
She had ignored Hiromu’s warning and therefore brought trouble upon innocent people. She can’t forgive herself for that so she wants his help to defeat the Metaroid.
Louperoid arrives and Reiko says she will also fight. She hands over the Morphin Brace and Hiromu henshins. They fight the Buglars together as Ryuji and Yoko arrive. Jin and J go take care of the Megazord.
Hiromu protects Reiko by blocking Louperoid’s shots twice, then tells her to leave the rest to him. He presents her with his own set of conditions; They’ll defeat the Metaroid, but she has to promise not to steal anymore.
I understand, she says as she runs off while the Go-Busters go Powered Custom. Louperoid tries to fly away, but they don’t let him off easy. Yoko gives him a kick back down, Ryuji hurls a concrete tube at him and Hiromu finishes him off with Lioh Blaster.
Reiko looks on.
At command center, the others are fighting over a letter from her addressed to Hiromu. He reads it out loud.
She says there’s something she must have and how can’t stop stealing after all until she gets what she wants… Hiromu’s heart. “I swear that I will take it,” she says.
The others playfully tease him.
Episode Thoughts
It was a nice, fun little episode. Still a little strange and maybe not as big picture, especially with no sign of Enter or Escape.
But Pink Buster Reiko was cool. And my shipper-self definitely liked that little “I’m gonna steal your heart” letter to Hiromu at the end.
Yay for a non-stock footage Powered Custom sequence. Lol at Kuroki making a little heart at Hiromu. And double lol at the “She’s a high class lady” tease during the commercial break.
But what was that huge continuity blunder? The Go-Busters were at the rich guy’s house and were chasing Reiko at night in pure darkness, then when Hiromu loses her, it’s absolute daylight. What was that?!
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Of course Toei always does Red and Pink moments but in Kyoryuger it was Green and Pink moments. Oh well. What I don’t get is that why do people get mad when there’s no yellow ranger in kyoryuger? Gold is somehow a yellowie colour (yes I know yellowie’s not a word)