EP 12-16 – BURNING AT BOTH ENDS (out of 4)
·Dr. T. Oliver not being able to “de-morph” HAHAHA
·ATVs, first sign that this ain’t no kiddie show
·Conner vs. Trent fight – They kicked each other’s butts, come on after that you know there will be a Conner/Kira/Trent triangle… and which color goes better with yellow? RED, of course
·Trent being pure evil… Jeff Parazzo is actually a much better actor when he plays evil… none of that whiny crap… and you actually enjoy him being evil, and it makes you want the 3 rangers beat his ass more.
·Oooo… another cliffhanger, I love it when they do that… interesting… but its not like no one knew that Mercer was Mesogog already
·Lots of action, good scenes
·Shut up Tommy “where would i be if my friends gave up on me… blah blah blah” As I remember, no one liked you even after you turned good so shut up… lol
·Hmm… nothing else I think
The episode that further proves that PR is not a kiddie show anymore
·Wow, they’re at school, AGAIN…
·Mercer as the new teacher… nice twist
·Nice scene with Trent and Principal Randall/Elsa
·Emma Lahana as bitchy Kira… nice
·Emma Lahana as Kira fighting solo… hot… lol
·Fossilidor or whatever its name was, was really funny though it wasn’t meant to be… especially when it talked and opened its mouth
·And those contacts, wouldn’t those eys freak out the supposed target demo for PR? 2nd reason PR isnt just for the youngins
·So many missed Conner/Kira moment opportunities
·Mercer transforming into Mesogog was kinda freaky… 3rd reason the Chronicle says PRDT is rated PG, not Y7
adobo grease… good luck to mom, dad, nanang, tatang, auntie, and uncle at CCU
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2 thoughts on “Recap: Power Rangers DinoThunder, Episodes 16 & 18 – Burning at Both Ends and The Missing Bone”
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OH WUT!?!?! where did yu hear this. duu yu made my day! ahaaa
hey lester! its car!!! how are you!! just wanted to drop a hello. oh yeah .. how was your license test?! hope ya passed! talk to you later!