Recap: The Amazing Race Canada 9, Episode 6 – “You want to take a sniff first.”

Recap: The Amazing Race Canada 9, Episode 6 – This is Going to Be a Spicy Leg

The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap

Jon says all Express Passes and Desjardins Assists will expire this Leg which will take place in the Niagara Region in Ontario. Teams will fly to Toronto from Victoria.

Because Gracie & Lily were Derpal’s only friends on the Race, they decide to talk to Ben & Anwar to see if they’d like to work together in this next Leg. Ben & Anwar think they have an advantage being in the middle. At the airport, Deven & Amanda meet a woman who is so emotional and proud to see a First Nations team representing on the Race.

The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap

Upon arrival in Toronto, teams must drive to St. Catharines and find the Salem Chapel where Harriet Tubman helped slaves escape to freedom through the Underground Railroad. In the morning, teams get to learn about Harriet Tubman before resuming the Race.

The first task of the day is the Road Block:Who’s up to speed? Teams will head to the St. Catharines General Motors Propulsion Plant where they will learn to assemble and disassemble a 5th generation 8-cylinder engine head in two minutes and ten seconds.

The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap

Kayleen, Deven, Ben, Jaspal, Ty and Justin decide to do the Road Block.

Kayleen goes for an attempt, but Tyler notices she is missing a critical part of the demonstration. She fails the attempt and the other teams arrive and get started. But they also miss the part about disassembling.

Ben & Anwar decide to use the Express Pass after arriving in last when they get caught at a bridge when a ship has to cross over.

Ty and Deven re-read their clue and now realize they have to dismantle the engine. Kayleen fails her second attempt and Tyler immediately decides they will use the Express Pass. Kayleen is upset that Tyler made the decision without speaking with her first about it. She is frustrated, especially after knowing what she was doing wrong. She cries during the Pit Stop confessionals.

Ty gets it on his 2nd attempt as does Deven and later Jaspal and Justin.

The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap

After the Road Block, teams face a Blind Detour: Here or There. Ben & Anwar and Tyler & Kayleen choose Here which requires teams to drive to United Floral Distributors in Pelham. For this Detour, teams must recreate three different bouquets using photos and collecting the correct flowers on marked shelves. They will then use a Samsung Z Flip4 to record a 360 video of their bouquets and use the Quick Share feature to send the videos to a florist for inspection.

Ben & Anwar and Tyler & Kayleen decide to split the Detour. Each will do one bouquet for each other and then work on the last one together. They quickly finish as Jermaine & Justin and Deven & Amanda also choose the flowers.

Derek & Jaspal, meanwhile, choose There. And for this Detour, teams will learn how to row a scull boat and then finish the training course in two minutes or less. Ty & Kat get lost on the way to There and decide to use the Express Pass while Derpal struggle before getting the thumbs up on their 3rd attempt.

Back at the flowers, Jermaine & Justin finish before Deven & Amanda.

The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap

After the Detour, teams find another Road Block: Who’s a high roller? Teams must drive to Chateau des Charmes outside Niagara-on-the-Lake and hop into a grape harvester. They must fill it with water and then drive it across the vineyard to fill two throughs. If teams use a Desjardins Assist, they will only have to fill one bin.

Ty & Kat arrive at the winery and use their Desjardins Assist which allows Kat to finish quickly. Tyler and Anwar arrive and begin the Road Block with Anwar using the Desjardins Assist. Derek gets started with the task as Amanda hands in her Desjardins Assist as well. And with Jermaine just starting the task, all teams have caught up.

The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap

After the Road Block, teams must drive to 124 on Queen Hotel and Spa in Niagara-on-the-Lake. Here, they will become sommeliers and match six glasses of wine with six plates of ingredients using only their aromas.

Ty & Kat get all the wines correct on their first attempt and can head on foot to Fort Mississauga for the Pit Stop. They get help from some locals to accompany them there.

Ben & Anwar are next to get the thumbs up at the wines with Tyler & Kayleen close behind.

Ty & Kat step on the Mat officially as Team #1 and win an Expedia trip to Athens, Greece. Ben & Anwar, also getting help from some locals, finish in 2nd. However, Tyler & Kayleen have trouble finding the Mat.

The Amazing Race Canada 9 Episode 6 recap Recap: The Amazing Race Canada 9, Episode 6 – “You want to take a sniff first.”

Of the last three teams, Deven & Amanda finish next and hurry to the Pit Stop. And so now it is between Derpal and Jermaine & Justin.


Episode Thoughts

Not a TBC Leg! Just hurry up and get Jermaine & Justin eliminated already! Lol

Well, anyway, aside from the TBC, this Leg was actually alright. First, it was quite refreshing to be out of British Columbia. Even though I might not know the difference anyway having never been to Canada lol

First up, it’s another GM assembly line task. We’ve had many a GM assembly line task on TARC before. So it’s fine. And a simple task to make our loyal sponsor happy.

The Blind Detour was alright. I guess both locations were of equal distance to the Route Markers before and after. The rowing seemed to take much longer though if we are to believe the time it took for the boats to be reset.

With Ben & Anwar and Tyler & Kayleen working together with the flowers, I think that was fine. Both teams did equal work. I believe they made two bouquets each for the first two. So that is very different than TARAu where teams would have just handed their completed and checked bouquets to another team to submit as their own. Gross! lol

The second Road Block was okay. I think they could’ve done something more, but it was an alright ask. Pretty straightforward, so something more difficult would’ve been better.

Finally, the matching drinks task is a TARC staple. But it fits well here with the location.

Having the Express Pass and Desjardins Assist both expire this Leg I guess makes sense with the TBC twist.

One thing I noticed the most this episode was all the sweeping drone shots. I love drone shots. And TARPHDME loves their 8K UHD drone shots. Lol But all the sweeping drone shots this episode felt kinda odd. It was like too much. I dunno. Lol Everything is better in moderation hehe

Overall, a pretty solid Leg. Maybe the strongest of the season so far. We’ll see how the TBC resolves itself next week.

Team Thoughts

All teams were alright this episode. We’re one step closer to Jermaine & Justin finally getting eliminated! (I hope! Lol)

Ben & Anwar were the stars this episode. They’re making their move and are going to get themselves in a good position if they can keep it up. Meanwhile, there seem to be some cracks in the other teams. So this Race is definitely not over yet!

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