Introduction → Meet the Teams → Race Tracker → Leg 1 → Leg 2 → Leg 3 → Leg 4 → Leg 5 → Leg 6 → Leg 7 → Leg 8 → Leg 9 → Leg 10 → Leg 11 → Leg 12
Leg 22.08 – “Nasaan yung kalabasa?”
During the Pit Stop, teams will be driven back to Milan where they will board the Cebu Pacific A330neo which will take them to London. In London, teams will then board their first Philippine Airlines Airbus A350 flight to get them to their next destination, the British Virgin Islands! (via Miami)
Teams will begin the 8th Leg of the Race at 7am at the Old Government House Museum in the capital city of Road Town.
The first clue of the Leg tells teams to make their way on foot to Queen Elizabeth II Park. Here, teams must search through a pile of stilts for ones with their names on it. They must keep these stilts with them until further notice.
Teams must now make their way on foot to Tortola Pier Park where they will find the Detour: Fungi or Fungi.
In Fungi (1), teams will join a local scratch band, known as a fungi. Teams must learn how to play either a washboard or a calabash instrument and then perform a song with the band. When teams are able to perform in harmony and on their own, they will be given the next clue.
In Fungi (2), teams must purchase ingredients for the traditional local dish also known as fungi. Teams will then begin cooking the dish and then enjoy a serving before receiving the next clue.
After the Detour, teams must now make their way to Trellis Bay and figure out how to catch a ferry to the island of Virgin Gorda.
Upon arrival in Virgin Gorda, teams must find the Yacht Harbor where they will find another Detour: Surf or Sail.
In Surf, teams will learn how to kitesurf. Each team member must hold on as they make their way through a slalom course in the water. When both team members are able to maneuver themselves through the course in the allotted time, they will get the next clue.
In Sail, teams must join a sailing crew and learn how to sail a boat. They will then take control along a course to a series of buoys which will have their next clue.
Teams must now make their way to Leverick Bay Resort where they will find the Road Block: Wanna get high?
For this Road Block, teams will use the stilts they collected earlier and learn how to perform the traditional dance known as Moko Jumbies which involves them having to be on stilts. When teams are able to flawlessly perform, they will receive the next clue.
That clue points teams to the Pit Stop at The Baths. Teams must search the beach area and rock formations for the hidden Mat.
The first team to check-in here will win P200,000 courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.
The last team to check-in here WILL be eliminated.
“Director’s” Commentary
Beautiful destination. Barebones Leg. Google scouting is to blame for this one. lol But to be honest, this is probably still more than what a typical modern TARUS Leg would have. Lol
Anyway, I’ve had the Caribbean on the TARPHDME wishlist for a long time. But I’ve just never had a spot to include any Caribbean destination on a route so far. This was a good route to finally do it though since many islands in the Caribbean were welcoming visitors at this time.
I chose the British Virgin Islands mainly for the prospect of a Pit Stop hidden in The Baths. Would be very beautiful. And this is also another one of those TARPHDME staple opposite climate Leg pairings with Leg 7 in the snow and now Leg 8 in a hot, tropical setting.
But my Google scouting did produce some nice tasks I think. As a whole, the Leg feels a bit lacking in tasks compared to the usual TARPHDME Leg. But again, this is still a lot than the usual TAR.
This is one of the few Legs without self driving of course. So the Racing dynamic should feel a bit different and more exciting too.
We start off the Leg with the TARPHDME staple “Keep until further notice” Route Marker. And having to carry around stilts all day should be a challenge in and of itself.
The first Detour is a great pair of cultural-inspired tasks. I was also amused by the idea of both sides of the Detour being called “Fungi.” The choice is basically between a Learn and Perform vs Search and Complete task. I think both are challenging in their own ways, so it will be an interesting choice for teams. I think a Detour like this would be great with more teams as well.
I wish there were another task in Road Town before leaving for Virgin Gorda though.
The next Detour features water activities that the British Virgin Islands are very much known for. I saw that it is very much a travel destination for such activities. So it will be nice to have teams choose between those two as well. I also think both sides of the Detour will be challenging for teams. At least, we hope they are.
Finally, the Road Block should be the most challenging of the day. Having to balance on stilts while also memorizing an actual performance should be great end of Leg drama.
And then of course, having to search The Baths for the Mat hidden within the rock formations can also make for an exciting finish.
Overall, an okay Leg as is. But the beautiful destination should be able to make up for the lack of an extra task or two.