Recap: The Amazing Race 33, Episode 11 – In the Hands of the Amazing Race Gods
The Final Leg begins with Phil welcoming teams onto the charter flight and telling them their final destination is Los Angeles, California.
All teams begin the Leg atop the Westin Bonaventure. Teams will find their next clue on top of one of the hotel’s four towers. Each cluebox has one clue, but is locked and the combination for it is “going up and down.” Teams must figure out it is on the elevator which they can see from the roof.
Raquel & Cayla figure it out first, followed by Kim & Penn. Teams must now drive themselves to El Pueblo de Los Angeles. Here, teams must find three parts of a clue by smashing through pinatas. One team member must put on a blindfold while their teammate will guide them to smash a taco, donkey and star pinata for each part of the clue.
Raquel & Cayla get the pieces first with Kim & Penn close behind. Ryan & Dusty are behind and trying to catch up.
The completed clue tells teams to head to 6465 Sunset Blvd and enter through SIR Hollywood.
Here, teams will become foley artists and record sound effects for five of The Amazing Race‘s most iconic moments: TAR17’s watermelon Road Block, TAR5’s “My Ox is Broken,” TAR24’s running of the bubble bulls, TAR6’s hay bales and a Detour from TAR14 where teams had to throw pie at their partner’s face. Once their recordings are in sync, they will get the next clue.
Raquel & Cayla get the thumbs up and can now drive to Dignity Health Sports Park. Kim & Penn again are close behind. Both teams get directions from the same guy outside.
Here, teams must solve the riddles on a wall on the tennis court. Each riddle refers to things they’ve encountered on the Race. To answer the riddles, teams must place the correct tennis racquets with the correct pictures on them. When the umpire approves of their walls, teams can run through the tunnel to the Finish Line.
Raquel & Cayla and Kim & Penn are neck and neck. Kim says she took copious notes throughout the Race and uses them to help.
Raquel & Cayla get a check, but have two incorrect. Kim & Penn’s get a check, but gets one incorrect. Both teams have trouble with the coin from Thessaloniki. Repeatedly getting the thumbs down, both teams begin changing racquets on clues they already got correct so they get more incorrect.
Kim & Penn are the first to get all clues correct and can now run through the tunnel. Five teams are waiting for them at the Finish Line and Phil officially declares them the winners of The Amazing Race.
Raquel & Cayla run to the Finish Line and are 2nd place. That means Ryan & Dusty are 3rd.
After paying tribute to the hardworking crew of the Race, the other teams congratulate the final three.
Episode Thoughts
That was the most feel-good Finish Line ever! Lol I think they were definitely going for something like that as a way to stay positive and upbeat. It’s certainly a huge relief and accomplishment to have finished the Race in this COVID Era. So I think the extended focus on the Finish Line was warranted.
Right off the bat, this finale was definitely much better than TAR32’s horrible, franchise-worst Final Leg. (Yes, I’m continuing my TAR32 bashing lol It’s deserved lol) #JusticeforNewOrleans
That alone makes this a great Final Leg. But even its design was pretty good and all the tasks fitting for a Los Angeles Final Leg.
It was very nice to see self-driving on a Final Leg. Like, for ALL of the Final Leg. Not TAR25’s halfsies. Of course, it was COVID-forced. But maybe this can become a thing in future seasons as well.
Having teams starting at the same time on the rooftop was great. And that first task was also a good one to start the Leg with. Everyone has the same opportunity to get ahead there and we saw what happened.
The pinata was a nice Double Road Block (*giggle*). But seriously, it’s a good, straightforward task. Definitely reminds me of many a task on TAR Asia and TARPH and TAR Vietnam. Has TAR had a blindfold and guide task before? I dunno, but it’s a very familiar TAR task and it was well placed here.
The foley task was creative. Also another nice extra task for the Final Leg. I could’ve thought of maybe two other memorable moments other than the TAR14 or TAR24 moments though. lol But I do appreciate the deserved acknowledgements of TAR5, TAR6 and TAR17’s truly iconic moments at least.
Finally, the memory task was also solid. It reminded me of TAR13’s field of clueboxes memory task. And kinda sorta TAR12, but definitely not as difficult. It also helps that we had more than one team doing it at the same time. And it was truly neck and neck. Plus, having it right outside of the Finish Line was great as well.
So overall, a pretty solid Final Leg. Far better than TAR32’s. And maybe stronger than many recent seasons. (Though TAR30’s San Francisco Final Leg is still one of the all-time best.)
My Subjective Team Rankings
I’m happy with Kim & Penn‘s win. It’s a well-deserved finish for them. And seeing them come from behind, kinda, was exciting.
Raquel & Cayla also deserved to win, but I think this Leg was emblematic of their Race. They’re overall a strong team, but little mistakes hold them back.
Ryan & Dusty stumbled big time this Leg. And I also think that’s been the story of their Race as well. After that rough start, they just didn’t have the chance to catch up.
More in tomorrow’s Season Wrap-up!
Episode Quotes
Cayla: “This is how we lose.”