After (what feels like) 146.2 Legs, the Final Three has finally been decided and it is finally the Penultimate Leg. And for this Leg, teams will Race through Sydney.
Upon arrival in Sydney, teams must take the train into the city. On the train, hometown boys Jaskirat & Anurag have a local call ahead for taxis. But the Cowboys end up getting into a taxi first anyway.
In Sydney, teams must head to Garlo’s Pies where they will roll, fill and bake Aussie meat pies. Jaskirat & Anurag and Ashleigh & Amanda manage to catch up to Brendon & Jackson at Garlo’s.
After the pies, teams must make their way to Diem Hen Restaurant. Here, teams will play roulette to decide which six fertilized developing egg embryos they will be eating. Eggs in red are more developed than those in yellow.
Brendon & Jackson maintain their lead. Jaskirat & Anurag arrive last, but leave in 2nd. Ashleigh & Amanda struggle with downing the eggs and think this task is “gross” and “traumatizing.”
After the eggs, teams open the next clue revealing the Detour: Fan or Find. Teams must head to Mingyue Lay Buddhist Temple in Bonnyrigg. In Fan, teams must learn and perform a fan dance. In Find, teams must head to main hall where they will kneel and shake fortune sticks until one pops out. They must then find the right number on the gold boxes for their next clue.
All teams choose Find and all teams manage to catch up to each other. But Brendon & Jackson stay in the lead, followed by Jaskirat & Anurag and Ashleigh & Amanda staying in last.
They must now take a train to the National Centre of Indigenous Excellence in Redfern. Here, teams will listen to an original rap and then write their own rap about their time on the Race.
The teams maintain their current placements with the Cowboys’ lead growing followed by the Super Sikhs and the Gold Coast Girls.
The next clue reveals the Road Block: Who’s feeling Marvelous? For this Road Block, teams will participate in a Marvel-inspired stunt jump through fire at Sydney Trapeze School.
Brendon, Jaskirat and Ashleigh decide to do the Road Block.
Brendon & Jackson stay in the lead. Jaskirat & Anurag and Ashleigh & Amanda are neck and neck leaving the Road Block. Teams are now making their way to the Pit Stop at Berrys Bay Lookout and Carradah Park.
The Cowboys claim first and win a trip to New Zealand. Jaskirat & Anurag take 2nd and Ashleigh & Amanda are last.
Teams will spend the night in a tent hanging over the side of a cliff for some reason.
Episode Thoughts
It was great to catch some of the end of The Project with Chris & Aleisha at least.
Honestly, there’s two reasons I really wasn’t looking forward to this episode. First, the obvious reason being I could care less about any of these three teams. But even more so, this is a Penultimate Leg with three teams. No one is being eliminated. And judging from the rest of this looooong Race, there’s absolutely no effect of team placements from the previous Leg. Teams get released essentially at the same time anyway. So there was zero point to this Leg other than to deliver an extra episode for Network Ten.
The most interesting aspect of this episode was seeing the teams running around with masks on. The only reference to this being TAR in the Time of COVID this entire season.
The meat pies task was an alright task to start the Leg off with. The Hot vit lon roulette was also the season’s infusion of “foreign” and “exotic.” As was the Detour.
The rap task was nice, but definitely the most indicative of this Leg being more of a sort of “feature,” for-show Leg instead of having any bearing on the actual competition.
The Road Block was okay. But TAR25’s LA finale Road Block and definitely TAR11’s Hong Kong Detour and Road Block was much more fun and exciting in terms of stunts tasks.
Anyway, a pretty pointless, linear Leg on a season that really doesn’t need more Legs, tbh. It was funny when Amanda said “There was no chance to catch up.” That is the very definition of a Linear Leg. lol
My Subjective Team Rankings
Rarely do I not have a team to root for on an Amazing Race Final Leg. But this is definitely one of those times.
Episode Quotes
Amanda: “This is traumatizing.”