The Final Four set off on the 22nd Leg of the Race by flying to Broken Hill. Upon arrival, teams must head to the Palace Hotel, spiritual home of Priscilla, Queen of the Desert. Teams find their next clue next to the Big Heel.
That clue tells teams to follow clues to find four street intersections named after elements. At each intersection, teams must pick up equipment or chemicals and then find the mad scientist with whom they will conduct an experiment.
Jaskirat & Anurag slip into the lead at this first task and decide not to tell 2nd place Ashleigh & Amanda anything on this final Elimination Leg. Chris & Aleisha are in third and the Cowboys are bringing in the rear. They decide to follow Chris & Aleisha, but a local points them back in the other, correct way.
The Super Sikhs maintain their lead and open the next clue revealing a Road Block: Who’s watching their weight? For this Road Block, teams must find Junction Mine where they must shovel dirt from a pile and fill a barrel on a seesaw to attempt to balance it out with their teammate on the other end.
Ashleigh & Amanda arrive at the mine first and Amanda gets started transferring the dirt. The Sikhs arrive and Anurag has an easier time transferring more weight. But Ashleigh & Amanda stay in the lead. They can now drive to Silverton and find the John Dynon Gallery. There, they must count all the wheels on all the gallery’s pushbikes and tricycles to receive their next clue.
Chris & Aleisha had fallen to last after the experiment, but move into third arriving at the mine. Chris has chosen to do the Road Block and they are unsure where to get the dirt. They ask Jaskirat & Anurag who tell them that they can just shovel dirt from anywhere. But Aleisha doesn’t think that’s right and they eventually find the pile.
The Cowboys arrive and are able to move quickly. But Chris & Aleisha move quicker. They leave the Road Block in 2nd after their first attempt. The Cowboys move into 3rd, leaving the Super Sikhs in last.
The Cowboys say that Ashleigh & Amanda were leaving just as they arrived.
Chris & Aleisha are hopeful seeing Ashleigh & Amanda still at the wheels. Brendon & Jackson also arrive soon after. Chris & Aleisha are first to go in for a check. But their first guess is incorrect. Ashleigh & Amanda go in and also get the thumbs down.
Jaskirat & Anurag finally get the thumbs up at the mine on their 5th attempt and hurry to try and catch up at the gallery.
All four teams are now running around counting. Ashleigh & Amanda go in with a guess of 107 and it is correct. The Cowboys also get the answer.
Teams can now make their way on foot to the Silverton Pub where they must drink a cocktail of ingredients off the menu out of two boots. Ashleigh & Amanda and Brendon & Jackson are struggling to down the strange concoction and then they realize they have to do two.
After the drink, teams can now make their way to the Mad Max Museum, the Pit Stop.
Chris & Aleisha are next to get the correct number of wheels and now must find the Pub. But they see the flags at the Mad Max Museum and are unsure if that’s where they’re supposed to go. Ashleigh & Amanda and Brendon & Jackson are running toward the museum. But seeing Jaskirat & Anurag struggling, Ashleigh & Amanda tell Jaskirat & Anurag the correct answer.
The Super Sikhs then manage to arrive at the Pub before Chris & Aleisha.
Ashleigh & Amanda step on the Mat as Team #1 and Brendon & Jackson take 2nd.
Jaskirat & Anurag finish their drinks next and step on the Mat in 3rd.
That means Chris & Aleisha are last and unfortunately eliminated.
Episode Thoughts
The scavenger hunt-ish first task was a good way to start the Leg. It was a straightforward task, but as we saw, it can definitely trip up some teams. And it was not a linear task! Woohoo!
The Road Block was a good, creative task. Especially as it involved their teammates. But at the same time, is there a bit of a disadvantage for heavier partners? I have no idea. But I liked it. A good physical and also a bit of a mental task as well. And having to do it in such hot, windy conditions is a great.
The wheels counting is an okay Leg filler and can certainly trip up a team who isn’t careful. Interesting editing showed Ashleigh & Amanda so far ahead at the wheels, yet the Cowboys said they had been on their way out at the mine when they arrived.
Anyway, knowing this was a “give an answer” task, I feared the alliance would share the answer with each other. I was happy when it appeared I would be proven wrong… and then they went and shared the answer. Disgusting. But not surprising. TAR32 and now TARAu5 are really putting out horrible vibes into the Amazing Race universe and I hope somehow it gets disinfected before any new TAR season is produced.
Another eating task? I’m sure the casuals will be as upset with another eating task as they were with the multiple dancing tasks. *giggle*
Anyway, horrible result of course. But an okay Leg overall. Except for the show allowing teams to just avoid actually doing tasks.
My Subjective Team Rankings
I was prepared for Chris & Aleisha to be eliminated this Leg. Definitely sad to see them go, but the writing was on the wall. (The spoilers were also on the wall as the three alliance teams were spotted on the Final Leg.) Anyway, the pressure definitely got to them at the start of the Leg. If they had not gotten so lost, they would’ve had a comfortable cushion and perhaps hadn’t been so under pressure. It’s too bad. But I really enjoyed their emergence during the Race. And they Raced every Leg since the beginning!
I liked Jaskirat & Anurag not telling Ashleigh & Amanda anything with the chemicals, but I didn’t like them telling Chris & Aleisha to just shovel dirt from anywhere. lol A rough Leg for them. And if they don’t recapture the magic from the start of the season, they are going to lose to the Gold Coast Girls.
This is definitely Ashleigh & Amanda‘s Race to lose. I wish I liked them more. But I don’t. Brendon & Jackson say the lesson they learned from the drinking task was to “Never accept a drink from a drag queen.” That’s pretty offensive.
I don’t know what it is about Network 10, but I have not been a big fan of either Final 3 for their seasons. (Though I at least liked last season’s final 3 teams well enough.) And the team I had been rooting for gets eliminated in the most heartbreaking way in 4th. Bad luck Network 10.
Episode Quotes
Amanda: “I feel like I’m gonna vomit.”
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7 thoughts on “Recap: The Amazing Race Australia 5, Episode 22 – “I feel like I’m gonna vomit.””
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a) I discovered your blog by accident and have THOROUGHLY enjoyed your commentary, went back and read your AUS04 and then your US03 and 04.
b) I’ve watched 32 legs of US, 7 of Can and 5 of AU and had NO problem stopping after this episode. I was so repulsed by the cruelty of the three final teams that we completely stopped and I don’t even care who won.
c) This season was thoroughly enjoyable because of the teams, but each and every producer should be fired and blackballed from the industry. The leg designs were horrible. Such shenanigans.
d) I know you were revolted by the ganging up in TAR32, but at least I liked the three teams that did it and their anger towards DeAngelo and Gary was justified since they kept screwing over the three others. Chris and Alissa were kind and everyone’s rage towards them was unjustified in my opinion. Any team who survives two UTurns and three sabotages deserves the million (or the cheapo 250k that Channel 10 doles out, at least it’s more than RuPaul can conjure.)
Hello there! Thanks so much, that is a wonderful compliment.
I suppose if I didn’t write recaps for the show, I’d have quit watching too. That’s usually what happens to me when I watch Survivor or Big Brother. I start the seasons and then just lose interest along the way and just not watch anymore or even care who ends up winning. lol
I really have no idea what they were trying to do with this season. Not everything can be blamed on COVID, that’s for sure. I really think they should’ve filmed two back-to-back regular seasons instead of this… whatever this was lol
By the final 4 of TAR32, I could care less which of them won. So I preferred DeAngelo & Gary merely because I thought it would be hilarious if they, the team that contributed the least to the alliance, were to end up winning.
But yes, the True Alliance of TAR32 certainly were more justified in their feelings against DeAngelo & Gary than the teams on TARAu5 were against Chris & Aleisha. There’s really something wrong there when even after the show, those teams continue shading them on social media. There was apparently lots of off-camera drama during the Race or whatever. But just from the episodes, Chris & Aleisha more than proved themselves I think.
For some reason, I couldn’t figure out how to reply to your last gracious message. When you were reviewing either US3 or 4, you mentioned that due to too much going on OFF camera, the sequestered teams. The same thing should have happened here. RuPaul always gets criticized for coldly telling queens that if it doesn’t happen on camera, it doesn’t matter. But here it proves the point. If C&A deserved the anger, then we should have seen the evidence. Other than their attitudes towards C&A, i sorta liked the Cowboys and the super Sikhs (the beauty queens were just too in love with themselves to ever be endearing. If they could have married themselves (not even each other), they would have. Unless your site has down spots, it appears you’re still finishing up US 4. I cant wait to read the rest of your 32 US seasons. My husband and I are not reality fans, but we’re obsessed with TAR and RPDR.
ps. I read that MJ and Chelsea said they turned into a couple during the race. That would have been great to have seen (Obviously not in graphic The L Word terms but their burgeoning romance was not even hinted at.
Yes, if there were actual moments where Chris & Aleisha did something to warrant the hate from the other teams, you know the show would have absolutely put it in the episode. They love the drama. We know they definitely milked pretty much every single moment Aleisha might have needed a breather during a task.
I finished the TAR4 episodes last week and I’ll be posting my Season Wrap-up this Friday. =)
I look forward to reading it. Your attention to detail is excellent. You put so much work into these blogs. I’ve been a professional film and theatre critic for 25 years and I don’t think with all my reviews, I’ve written as many words as your TAR blogs put together.
I wish there was a way in the US to get access to HaMerotz LaMillion, TARPH, and TAR Asia. From everything you say on the commentary, they sound like amazing versions.
Sent you an e-mail!