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Leg 20.05 – “We’re gonna need a miracle for this one.”
It’s time for teams to set off on the 5th Leg of the Race and they open the first clue telling them to fly to Tel Aviv, Israel!
Teams will be on one of two flights: The first direct flight on El Al arrives at 7:05am while the second flight via Istanbul on Turkish Airlines arrives at 8:50am.
Upon arrival in Tel Aviv, teams must head to the Port of Jaffa.
Here, teams will take a boat and row out to a buoy which has their next clue. That clue is a photo of the next Route Marker. But on the back of the photo is a picture of a uniquely painted buoy which they must keep until further notice.
The photo points teams to make their way on foot to the Jaffa Clock Tower.
That clue tells teams to take a bus to Nazareth where they will then search for a taxi that can take them to St. Peter’s monument in Capernaum.
Here, teams must search the archaeological site for 25 fish, collecting them in a basket, which they must present to receive their next clue.
That clue tells teams to make their way on foot, with the basket of fish, to the Church of the Multiplication of Loaves and Fishes in Tabgha.
Here, teams will be given a riddle which they must figure out in order to know how to properly distribute the fish amongst the baskets. Once correct, they will receive the next clue.
That clue tells teams to make their way on foot to the Church of the Primacy of St. Peter.
From here, teams must choose a speedboat to take them across the Sea of Galilee to Tiberias.
What teams don’t know is that just off the shore of Tiberias, teams must jump into the water that Jesus walked on and search a series of buoys for the one matching the colored buoy on the back of their clue from earlier.
Once teams find the correct buoy, they will swim to shore to meet their boat and retrieve their belongings before making their way back to Nazareth.
In Nazareth, teams will find the next clue at the Basilica of the Annunciation.
And here, teams will find the Double Yield board!
After checking in at the Yield, teams must make their way to Nazareth Village where they will find the Road Block: Who wants to be an apprentice?
For this Road Block, teams will become Joseph’s apprentice for the day and learn how to assemble two different wooden chairs using tools used during Jesus’ time. When they have correctly assembled the chairs, they will receive the next clue.
That clue tells teams to deliver the chairs to two different addresses in the nearby alleys. Each home will give them half of their next clue.
That whole clue will direct teams to Mary’s Well.
And the clue there will direct teams to Fauzi Azar Inn, the Pit Stop for this Leg of the Race.
The first team to check-in here will win P200,000 courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.
The last team to check-in here WILL NOT be eliminated as this is a Non-Elimination Leg. That team must Self Yield on the next Leg of the Race:
“Director’s” Commentary
Like the reasoning behind visiting Nepal on this Race, Israel is another unique location not normally visited on The Amazing Race. So it would be great to have here with international teams. Coincidentally, the last visit to Israel was TARPHDME13, the last PH vs The World season.
After TARPHDME has already visited Jerusalem, Tel Aviv and Masada, it was time to visit Galilee. I think there’s definitely enough tasks for two Legs in Nazareth and Galilee. But I wouldn’t know for sure without actually being there in-person to scout locations, of course. (lol)
Anyway, we have teams in Tel Aviv for a task that will relate to later on in the Leg before they take a bus to Nazareth. It’s a little sloppy at this point since teams will then have to immediately transfer to a taxi to head to Galilee. I wondered if driving themselves could be an option. But the whole next section of the Leg is walking and then taking the boat on the lake. So no go for self-driving. Sorry Kia.
I’m sure there’s plenty more interesting and creative tasks here, but these are the tasks we have for now.
Playing up the religious connections to this area (and this being the local TAR franchise of a majority Christian country of course), we have a possibly amusing task related to the story of Jesus feeding thousands with the loaves and fish. For these tasks, the biggest challenge will be teams out in the hot sun for an hour or two.
Also a nice spotlight on some historic locations.
Next up, we have teams not-walking on water like Jesus as they swim in the Sea of Galilee to the buoys. Simple, straight-forward task that should be a fun surprise for teams when they are told to leap into the water.
Finally, the Road Block which is also very typical and straight-forward. I wanted to incorporate Nazareth Village somehow. Perhaps there’s a possible Detour here instead.
I made this a Non-Elimination because without a Detour, it’s a very linear Leg. So I didn’t want an elimination to be decided early in the Leg with no chance for teams to catch up. At least, we want to avoid that on paper. So that’s why we make it a pre-determined Non-Elimination Leg.
Overall, a nice, solid Leg in Israel.