The Amazing Race Philippines: DryedMangoez Edition All-Stars (Season 19), Leg 10 – Finland

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Leg 19.10 – “Merry Christmas! You’re out of the Race!”

The Amazing Race Philippines: DryedMangoez Edition All-Stars (Season 19), Leg 10 – Finland

It’s the 10th Leg of the Race! During the Pit Stop, teams are magically transported back to Prague where they will open the first clue telling them to fly to Rovaniemi, Finland!

All teams will be on the same Finnair flight via Helsinki arriving in Rovaniemi at 10:35pm.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

Upon arrival, teams must make their way to Sky Aurora Station. Here, teams will sleep overnight while enjoying the Northern Lights before receiving their next clue at 8am.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

That clue tells teams to make their way to this clearing. Here, teams must search a field of 100 snowmen for one of eight containing a wooden figure which will reveal their next Route Marker: The Santa Claus Village. Teams must then build one snowman before they can continue racing.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

Upon arrival at Santa Claus Village, teams must make their way to the Santa Claus Main Post Office.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

Here, teams must choose 10 letters from children all over the world to receive their next clue. They will hold on to these letters until further notice.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

Teams must now make their way to this Reindeer farm.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

Here, teams will feed reindeers and then guide five of them to their grazing clearing to receive their next clue.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

That clue reveals a Double Road Block: In Control or In Full View. The team member who will be In Control will hop on a snowmobile equipped with a Samsung Galaxy S10 5G in search for five checkpoints in the wilderness without any directions except from their teammate who will be In Full View.

That team member will guide their teammate through the forest using a live video feed streaming on their own Samsung Galaxy Note 10+ from the Galaxy S10 5G on the snowmobile. Team members will communicate using Samsung Galaxy Buds as the teammate In Full View points their teammate in the right direction using a set of landmarks on a provided map. When the team member In Control can retrieve the five flags from each checkpoint, they can reunite with their partner to receive the next clue.

And that clue reveals a Road Block: Who can make a good catch?

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

For this Road Block, teams must head to this frozen lake and learn how to and successfully set up an ice fishing hole. After correctly setting up the hole, teams will have 15 minutes to catch any fish. For each fish they can catch in that 15 minutes, they will win P10,000! After 15 minutes, teams will receive the next clue.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

Teams must now make their way to this Husky farm.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

Teams will choose a team of huskies and set off into the forest to search for presents that have fallen off of Santa’s sleigh. They must find the 10 presents corresponding to the 10 letters they chose earlier at the Post Office. Once they have found the correct presents and loaded them onto the sled, they can return to the starting point.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

Teams must now deliver the presents back to Santa Claus at the Santa Claus Village for him to give them their next clue.

The Amazing Race Philippines DryedMangoez Edition 19

And that clue points teams to the Arktikum, the Pit Stop for this Leg of the Race.

The first team to check-in here will win P200,000 courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.

The last team to check-in here WILL be eliminated.


“Director’s” Commentary

Merry Christmas!

So this Leg is basically recycling the Ded Moroz Leg in Russia from TARPHDME15. But while that Leg centered on Ded Moroz, a similar holiday time figure, this Leg in Rovaniemi centers on Santa Claus, his hometown and Christmas. Also TARPHDME’s first visit to Finland and Lapland!

(And once I had it on this Route, I definitely timed it to air this Christmas week. Hehe)

I think this is a great, physical Leg. A Leg that requires teams to put in the effort to get through it. A Detour could be added somewhere here. But this is one of those locations that need an actual visit to be able to figure out what to do here. Hehe. It could also be a self-driving Leg, but I’m not sure.

First up, a logistics necessity allows a wonderful Northern Lights experience for the teams. Just something nice and extra to start off the Leg.

Then in the morning, the five teams are all on equal footing and will hopefully Race neck and neck all day.

The Snowman task is definitely a needle in a haystack challenge. Sort of like the haybales or sandcastles and bottles. But certainly much more festive here. One modification to make this even more difficult for teams is that they have to rebuild any Snowman they dig through that doesn’t have the Santa figurine. Not just the one Snowman at the end of the challenge.

The letters at the Santa post office is recycled from the Ded Moroz Leg as is the looking for presents in the woods using a sled as well. It just makes sense for a task relating to Santa and Christmas.

The reindeers are a good extra task. Not sure how friendly reindeers can be, so teams having to lead them somewhere could be a good challenge for them.

The Double Road Block is inspired by TAR Vietnam’s task this year where they used a video call/livestream to guide their partners who were blindfolded. The crazy thing about that task was it started in the late evening and they were walking up a mountain, basically. So in the darkness, blindfolded and over uneven ground and rocks. It was crazy! A wonder that no one hurt themselves. I liked it though and so I adapted it here. And maybe a little safer.

The Road Block is inspired by TAR Canada this year as well where teams had to set up an ice fishing hole. It’s a good Road Block and fits the Leg well.

Then after finding and delivering the presents, it’s the Pit Stop.

Overall, a pretty good, full 10th Leg of the Race.

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