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Leg 19.02 – “It’s chaos in Cairns!”
All 12 All-Stars are still in the Race and for the 2nd Leg, they will be flying direct from Port Moresby to Cairns, Australia!
Teams can catch one of two flights, Qantas arriving at 10:40am or Air Niugini arriving at 10:55am.
Teams will find their next clue in a brand new 2020 Kia Sportage outside the airport.
And teams will need to drive themselves to Cazaly’s Stadium.
Outside the stadium, teams will find the very first Forced Double U-Turn Vote Board (if activated). And after voting at the U-Turn, teams will find the first Duel Duel of the season!
In a Switchback to a memorable Duel Duel from season 11, teams will get to play Australian Rules football! Facing off against another team, each team must score one goal (6 points through goal posts) while each team member must score on either side of the “behind posts” (worth 1 point each). Each team will get one attempt for each.
The team with the most points will receive the next clue while the losing team must face-off against the next.
If there is a tie after all six scores are attempted, teams will move to a different angle on the field for sudden death. Teams will get one attempt each to score whatever they can. The team with the most points after this round will win. If still tied, teams will move to the opposite side of the field and repeat. But if neither team can win outright after these three rounds, they must both go to the back of the line. The last place team must take part in a footy training exercise before being given the next clue.
After the Duel Duel, teams will simply be given a specific address which they must drive to. What teams don’t know is this is the jump off point for Skydive Australia Cairns. And this is where they will encounter the Road Block: Who’s ready for a deep dive?
For this Road Block, teams must study the states and internal territories of Australia, their locations on a map and their capital cities.
Then, BOTH team members will skydive!
After landing, the Road Block participant will then have to fill out a blank relief map with the states, territories and capitals, from memory, to receive the next clue. If necessary, teams can opt to skydive again if they need to study the information back at the office. Otherwise, teams who quit will incur a 6-hour penalty.
This is also the Trigger Point for this Leg of the Race. If any team decides to head back to the Skydive Australia office and skydive again, the U-Turn or Yield will be activated on the next Leg.
After the Road Block, teams must drive themselves to Rainforestation Nature Park in Kuranda.
Here, teams must hop into a World War II army duck for a tour of the rainforest.
They must keep their eyes peeled for their next clue.
And that clue is waiting next to the Double U-Turn Reveal Board! After checking in at the U-Turn, teams will open the next clue which reveals the Detour: Burn It or Stab It.
In Burn It, teams will use flint to start a fire. They will then clean a fish and let it cook. Once it is completely cooked, they will receive the next clue.
In Stab It, teams must fashion five spears out of wooden rods. They must then hit five targets at different distances (at least two targets by each team member) to receive the next clue.
Teams must now drive themselves to Tjapukai Cultural Center in Smithfield. And here, teams will find a Double Road Block: Caller or Hunter.
The team member who chooses to be the caller must learn how to play the didgeridoo.
When they can correctly play the notes they learn, their partner who will be the Hunter will get a lesson on how to hunt using a boomerang. Teams must hit five targets with the boomerang and then throw a return boomerang so that it will return to them within a circle. This is all while the “Caller” continues to play the didgeridoo.
Once they’ve successfully called and hunted, teams can drive themselves to Tinaroo Falls Dam, the Pit Stop for this Leg of the Race.
The first team to check-in here will win P200,000 courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.
The last team to check-in here WILL be the first All-Star team eliminated from the Race.
“Director’s” Commentary
So we have a straightforward and half-recycled Leg for our visit to Cairns! First of all, we’re visiting Cairns now since it’s a convenient connection from Port Moresby. So that’s good.
First off we have the Duel Duel which is recycled exactly from Season 11. It’s a simple task that shouldn’t take up much time for teams. And like back in Season 11, it is possible that both teams in a face off can lose and head to the back of the line.
But the highlight of this Leg is definitely the Road Block. At least we hope. Inspired a little bit by TAR Canada’s Road Block this past Summer, we have teams memorizing something before they jump out of a plane and then have to present what they memorized after they’ve landed.
I think our version here is a little harder because it’s definitely a longer time between memorization and the map they have to fill in when they land compared to the simple bungee jump on TARC. Even worse, if teams forget something and have no idea, they will have to go all the way back and jump again. Otherwise, they can take a six-hour penalty which hopefully discourages anyone from actually taking it.
The dramatic moments should be having teams scrambling around and not knowing what to do because they haven’t memorized everything and they’ll have to go back to jump again. That will certainly take up a lot of time. But scenes of “chaos in Cairns” where at most 12(!) teams are standing around, running around, frustrated about not knowing one of Australia’s territories or capitals or where they are on a map should be great fun. We want to see teams break down, fighting, pushing forward and overcoming any challenge.
This task could become physically and mentally exhausting and it’s only the 2nd task of the Leg. So that should be great.
One possible catch though is teams might just ask someone nearby with a smartphone to look up a map online. Should we allow that? If it means some teams do that and some teams go back and skydive, I would stipulate in the rules that they cannot. But who knows. Perhaps just this one time we can frustrated viewers with this bit of perceived unfairness, depending on whether your favorite team is advantaged or not. hehe
The rest of the Leg is pretty simple. The army duck is a fun way to get teams into the rainforest. The Detour is recycled from TAR China 2. And the Double Road Block is also a typical TAR task as well.
The Tinaroo Falls Dam should be a stunning Pit Stop. But we hope teams can get there before the sun sets! Depending on how they perform at the Road Block, it might not be possible. Hehe
Overall, this should be a great, full 2nd Leg. And a Leg worthy for being the one eliminating the first All-Star team.
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2 thoughts on “The Amazing Race Philippines: DryedMangoez Edition All-Stars (Season 19), Leg 2 – Australia”
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Oh man gotta have at least one fake-out Roadblock during the season 😂 would there be a limit on the number of times teams are allowed to skydive? Or are teams only limited to a certain number of attempts (and then all they can do is keep guessing the correct answer by trial and error… that or ask someone with a smartphone lol.)
I definitely love the fake-out Road Blocks!
For the skydive limit, I guess until it’s not safe to do so. lol We would hope that some teams have to repeat it, but hopefully not so many times. Though I guess we can’t predict how many maximum times a team would need to figure it out. Skydiving is certainly takes more time and effort (and cost!) than the bungee jumping like on TARC7. So I guess we can have a limit on jumps before they can seek out help. It all depends on how difficult memorizing the information (whatever we’ll have teams memorize, doesn’t have to be a map) would be.