Recap: The Amazing Race Canada 5, Episode 9 – “It’s Like Finding Waldo In a Bunch of Waldos
Recap: The Amazing Race Canada 5, Episode 9 – “What’s a hangar?” / “Where planes hang.”
Teams will start this Leg from the Panama Canal where they will learn they have US$460 on their BMO CashBack MasterCard and will be flying to Regina, Saskatchewan where a Double U-Turn awaits.
In Regina, teams will hop into either a sedan or hatchback version of the 2017 Chevy Cruze and drive themselves to Douglas Park Elementary School to serve BMO orange juice to the kids.
Sam & Paul are first to squeeze their juice for the kids and can now drive to Aulie Farms in Rouleau.
Karen & Bert are last out of the school, but end up arriving at the farm right behind Sam & Paul by taking rocky backroads instead of the highway.
At the farm, teams will find the Detour: The Cart or The Horse.
In The Cart, the 150 Challenge for this Leg, teams must shovel 1000lbs of canola seed into a grain cart using a conveyor they will maneuver over to it.
In The Horse, teams must auction off a horse.
Sam & Paul choose The Cart. Karen & Bert, meanwhile, must complete the Speed Bump by mucking a horse stall.
Kenneth & Ryan choose The Horse while Adam & Andrea choose the canola. Karen & Bert finish the Speed Bump and head over to the cart. Korey & Ivana arrive last and do the horse.
Kenneth & Ryan finish the Detour first and must now drive to the Dog River Hotel to find the U-Turn. They decide to U-Turn Sam & Paul as revenge.
Teams must now drive to Moose Jaw and stack 250 cans of Campbell’s Chunky Soup to create a Maple Leaf. Korey & Ivana finish the Detour and hurry off. Sam & Paul and Adam & Andrea are right behind them.
Korey & Ivana get to the U-Turn and decide to U-Turn Adam & Andrea as they are a threat. The U-Turned teams return to the farm as Karen & Bert finish and leave.
With Korey & Ivana lost again, Karen & Bert arrive at the park in 2nd just as Kenneth & Ryan finish. They can now drive to Grandpa’s Garden for the next clue.
Adam & Andrea fail their first auction attempt, allowing Sam & Paul to pass them.
Korey & Ivana get to the Campbell’s Soup task and start while Kenneth & Ryan arrive at the next cluebox which reveals the Road Block: Who thinks it’s good to be the queen?
For this Road Block, teams must search for the queen bee in a hive.
Kenneth decides to do the Road Block.
Back at the Campbells, Karen & Bert finish and leave as Sam & Paul and Adam & Andrea arrive. Korey & Ivana think they have finished their Maple Leaf, but one of their cans is upside down.
Sam & Paul leave in 3rd. Korey & Ivana recover and are able to leave next.
Over at the Road Block, Bert, Sam and Ivana get started with the bee search.
Sam finds the bee first and he and Paul can now head to 15 Wing Moose Jaw and the Canadian Armed Forces Base, home of the Snowbirds. Kenneth finds the bee next. But Sam & Paul step on the Mat first and win a trip to Costa Rica. Kenneth & Ryan have to settle for 2nd.
Karen & Bert step on the Mat as Team #3.
Adam & Andrea arrive at the Road Block and Andrea gets started. But Ivana is able to find the bee. She and Korey hop in their 2017 Chevy Cruze and hurry to the Pit Stop where they check in as Team #4.
Adam & Andrea are last and eliminated.
Episode Thoughts
So after last week’s great Panama Leg, any Canadian Leg is going to look less exciting. And that was definitely the case. This was an okay Leg. Very rural, very small town Leg. On its own, it was fine. Certainly not the worst we’ve seen this season.
Back to Panama first though. It was nice to get teams at the Panama Canal even if just as the Starting Point of the Leg.
The kids cheering the teams on as they arrived at the school was cute. But the scripted comments by the kids were both hilarious and cringey. lol It was a fine task, especially in a small town.
The Detour was okay. Both sides of the Detour seemed to be very quick and easy. What was more interesting was to have the U-Turn at a different location when both sides of the Detour were at one location. That certainly added a little bit of tension. Though it would’ve obviously been more dramatic if Korey & Ivana had gotten lost again, allowing Sam & Paul or Adam & Andrea to get to the board before them. I think that’s what the show was hoping for by having the U-Turn at a different location. But oh well.
The Speed Bump was also easy. Karen said herself it only took a few minutes.
The Campbell’s Soup was an okay extra task. Especially since Campbell’s is helping to keep this season financially afloat, of course.
Finally, the Road Block was interestingly refreshing since it wasn’t the typical harvest honeycomb task. Instead it was a needle in a haystack task with bees. Creative.
So overall, an okay Leg and a little more eventful episode than the usual.
And I might have been seeing things, but did the preview show another penultimate Leg Face Off? And not only that, it was a curling! Face Off. They already did a Penultimate Leg curling Face Off! Are they serious?
My Subjective Team Rankings
So happy Korey & Ivana survived this Leg. I was getting really worried. They’ve made it to the Final 4 and I’m very excited to see if they can make it into the Final Leg. They’ve definitely got to sharpen their navigation skills though.
Happy to see Karen & Bert survive as well. It was a nice recovery after last leg. Adam & Andrea were certainly a threat, so U-Turning them wasn’t a bad move. They could’ve easily won this Leg even and could have easily stamped their ticket to the Final Leg as well. They ran a solid Race.
Sam & Paul are looking like the winners right now. They’re Racing well, getting themselves out of trouble. And they’re very inoffensive (read: kinda boring?). So that’s a pretty solid recipe for winning TAR Canada.
I’d be fine with that as long as it’s not Kenneth & Ryan.
Episode Quotes
Ivana: “What’s a hangar?”
Korey: “Where the planes hang.”