There better be a rematch… and it better not depend on whether or not NBC is happy with the damn ratings…
I’ve been rooting for Peter Manfredo, Jr. since the very beginning and again, I was just speechless at why he wasn’t fighting his best… I only saw a few good punches, and he is capable of so much more… man was I pissed… One of the things that’s really annoyed me with all the Contenders, and maybe its just the way they edit the episodes, but its their inability to follow-up a good punch.
Damn… I still wish I was in Vegas though… what it must have felt like in that arena tonight (regardless of Justin and Cameron being there… at least they were rooting for Peter, it seemed like)… earlier today, Jimmy Lange won which is good… but Bonsante vs. Ishe Smith turned out to be one dirty fight… WTF is up with Bonsante? geez…
I would have prefered Jesse winning the Bronze, but oh well… and Peter better get a shot at a rematch long before Alfonso gets to fight Mora…