here’s some good news:
On Sunday, June 13th, ABC Family will air the “Made in Japan-athon.” I think its going to be another PRDT marathon with the new episode “Lost and Found in Translation” will air. That episode, the 2nd new ep of that weekend, will feature the first time in PR’s 12 year history that the American Power Rangers meet their Japanese Sentai counterparts. Not sure if it will be another “Legacy of Power” where they’ll just show clips, or if we actually get to see the DinoThunder Rangers come face to face with the Abarangers. Either way, it will be the first time that the Japanese Sentai is even mentioned on PR.
Of course, Sentai is what PR is based on every year. Just think of Sentai as a much more violent, not-so-kiddie PR.
Ooo… I can’t wait to see the murderous white ranger take on Trent. The white ranger, called AbareKiller in the Sentai, has been descibed as a remorse-less, murdering terrorist. I think. Maybe he can take care of Trent…