Recap: The Amazing Race 35, Episode 10 – “Everyone Loves a Comeback Story”
The final five teams arrive in Stockholm, Sweden for the 10th Leg of the Race at 6:45pm. Upon arrival, they hop into taxis to make their way to Stockholms Fallskarmsklubb in Gryttjom.
Greg & John arrive first, but miss the numbers at the gate. That allows Joel & Garrett to take #1 and Steve & Anna Leigh take #2, When Todd & Ashlie and Rob & Corey arrive, they also pass the gates and go running inside the airfield. Greg & John come back outside and Joel & Garrett and Steve & Anna Leigh keep their mouths shut. The brothers eventually take #3 followed by Todd & Ashlie and Rob & Corey.
Teams stay overnight before being let in at 5am and getting the clue telling teams they will be skydiving. Ashlie has been nervous about skydiving since she and Todd Googled the location back in Ljubljana. But she ends up enjoying it and wanting to do it again.
After teams skydive, teams must travel by boat to Tynningö. The waiting clue reveals a Road Block: Who wants to party? For this Road Block, teams will participate in the Midsummer celebration by making a flower ring and attaching it to a maypole. Teams will help locals raise the maypole and then dance around it to get the next clue.
Garrett, Anna Leigh, Greg and Ashlie decide to do the Road Block. But Rob & Corey decide to use their Express Pass. They can now travel by boat to Royal Dramatic Theatre where they must search for a violinist with the next clue.
Anna Leigh gets the thumbs up on her wreath first and she and Steve end up finding the violinist before Rob & Corey who have no idea how to get into the theater. Running into each other, Steve & Anna Leigh confirm the correct entrance to Rob & Corey.
After the theater, teams must head to the Solna Centrum metro station to find the Detour clue. Steve & Anna Leigh are about to take off on the bus, but Rob & Corey come running up and they figure out they have to take the subway to the station. Anna Leigh recognizes Rob & Corey saved them from a mistake.
Back at the Road Block, Greg finishes next followed by Garrett with Ashlie last.
Meanwhile, Steve & Anna Leigh and Rob & Corey get to the Detour clue: Sort or Serve. In Sort, teams must sort and separate one family’s trash. In Serve, teams will work as server and runner to deliver three courses based on menus from past Nobel dinners. One team member must memorize the menu, relay it to their partner in the kitchen who will then hand them the plate to serve to a table of four.
The two parent-child teams decide to work together with the sorting. French-fluent Greg & John choose the serving while Joel & Garrett also head to the recycling and catch up to the first two teams. Ashlie is a bit down being in last and Todd tries to keep their hopes up. They choose the sorting.
Rob & Corey and Steve & Anna Leigh finish their recycling together and must now head to Pampas Marina for their next clue in front of the Alba II.
Joel & Garrett finish the recycling right as Greg & John finish serving the guests. The brothers catch up to the parent-child teams as they open the clue directing teams to the Pit Stop at Stromparterren which they must reach by subway.
The three teams get pointed in the wrong direction numerous times. That allows Joel & Garrett to hop on the subway first and get them to the Pit Stop as Team #1. They win Expedia cash to get them to the Galapagos Islands.
It’s a foot race to the Mat for the next three teams. Greg & John, Rob & Corey and Steve & Anna Leigh arrive at the Mat while Joel & Garrett are still there. They finish as Teams 2 through 4.
That means Todd & Ashlie are last and eliminated.
Episode Thoughts
An okay episode. I will always say these 90-minute episodes need at least one more actual task and not just looking for a cluebox. Anyway, it is what it is!
First up, the skydiving was okay. A good task to put at the start after an equalizer. Though the order then certainly influenced the rest of the Leg. It seems like it was another one of those short Legs considering how close teams were to each other. And it’s not surprising considering the other tasks they had to do.
The maypole is a good task on paper. But it might be a bit better with more teams than just the five.
The Detour seemed quite unbalanced. I definitely would’ve chosen the recycling over the serving task. It suited Greg & John, but other teams would’ve had trouble like teams in the past with similar tasks.
An extra task at the marina would’ve been good. The teams running around all day helped to fill the episode out. But certainly would’ve been edited out of a regular episode most likely.
Especially the ending lol The editing between Steve & Anna Leigh and Todd & Ashlie was hilarious. Todd & Ashlie were so obviously behind. And Steve & Anna Leigh were no more than a minute or two behind Greg & John and Rob & Corey considering they were just following each other to the Mat. So that might have been the most obvious faux foot race to the Mat I’ve ever seen lol
Anyway, it was an okay episode. I wouldn’t say it was memorable. Though nice to finally have a full Leg in Stockholm.
Team Thoughts
Todd & Ashlie were an alright team. All five would be fine in a Final Leg. But they didn’t have a chance once they fell behind at the Road Block. So too bad.
So with the final four now, I still think it’s anyone’s Race yet. Though Greg & John definitely have the upper hand if the teams again Race close together like this one.