Recap: The Amazing Race 35, Episode 6 – Driving Head on Into Scooters
During the Pit Stop, teams will cast their mandatory U-Turn votes. Liam & Yeremi vote for 1-win Robbin & Chelsea because they don’t think they’ll receive any help from them. Morgan & Lena also vote for them. Greg & John vote for Steve & Anna Leigh. Everyone else’s vote will remain a mystery until later.
The father and daughter open the first clue of the Leg giving them 1000 rupees and telling teams to head to Nagra Shoe Store across from the Hawa Mahal. Their driver, however, takes them to the wrong location so they have run over to the right one.
Steve & Anna Leigh maintain their lead and receive the next clue directing teams to use a telescoping monocular to find their next clue amongst the many windows of the Hawa Mahal. That window will say “Udai Poll No 2 at Jalebi Chowk,” which is where they must make their way on foot to.
The waiting clue there tells teams to choose a female-driven electric rickshaw and help them get out of the parking lot mess by pushing other rickshaws out of the way for a clear exit route. Teams will then ride the rickshaw to SD Masala Spice Shop No. 49 where they will find out the U-Turn results.
Steve & Anna Leigh are already done with the first few Route Markers before Rob & Corey even depart the Pit Start in 6th. And they’ll need that lead as they learn they have indeed been U-Turned.
Robbin & Chelsea, Rob & Corey, Andrea & Melaina, Joel & Garrett and Greg & John were the five votes for them while Morgan & Lena, Liam & Yeremi, Todd & Ashlie and Steve & Anna Leigh themselves voted for Robinn & Chelsea.
The father and daughter open the Detour clue: Bundles or Bricks. In Bundles, teams must bundle a variety of flowers and deliver them to two different temples via rickshaw. In Bricks, teams must pick up bricks, sand and gravel using a cycling rickshaw to deliver them to a construction site. Teams will exchange receipts for the next clue.
Steve & Anna Leigh choose the flowers first. Meanwhile, Morgan & Lena begin the Leg about two hours after the father and daughter started theirs. Steve & Anna Leigh spot Robbin & Chelsea still looking at the Hawa Mahal.
Steve & Anna Leigh make their two deliveries before any other teams even arrive at either Detour location. While Andrea & Malaina get to the flower bundling, Steve & Anna Leigh arrive at the construction supplies at the same time as Rob & Corey and Todd & Ashlie, though Greg & John are already there.
Suddenly, Steve & Anna Leigh are informed they have not completed the other Detour. They realize they did not exchange the receipts for the clue, so they have to go back. They didn’t know they had to get the clue since they thought they’d just go to the other Detour. They leave just as Joel & Garrett arrive.
While Liam & Yeremi get lost finding the Detour clue, the supplies teams head out on the road. Morgan & Lena are shocked to see Steve & Anna Leigh at the flower market and believe they have closed the gap. But they argue over tying the bundles.
Greg & John move into first place after exchanging their receipt for the next clue. Rob & Corey and Todd & Ashlie are next to finish, followed by Joel & Garrett who stop to buy some bottled water. Morgan & Lena move into 5th with Steve & Anna Leigh finishing their second Detour next. Andrea & Malaina are in 7th, leaving Robinn & Chelsea (with the construction supplies) and Liam & Yeremi (with the flower bundles) fighting in last.
After the Detour, teams must head to Garg Textile Wholesale Fabric Shop to pick up a bolt of fabric and the next clue pointing them to Jahar Mahal. That clue reveals the Road Block: Who likes to play with blocks?
For this Road Block, teams must use four different colored printing blocks to properly print nine peacocks, the national bird of India.
Greg and Rob decide to do the Road Block. Both fail their first attempts. But Greg gets the thumbs up on nine peacocks after his third attempt. The two of them can now head to the Pit Stop at Badi Chaupar. Greg & John officially check-in as Team #1 and win a trip to New Zealand.
As Joel, Todd and Lena arrive and get started, teams discuss their U-Turn votes. Morgan & Lena tell Steve & Anna Leigh that they didn’t vote for them. Ashlie says you shouldn’t U-Turn a team that’s hours ahead of you. Garrett, however, admits that they voted for the father and daughter. Corey says they just wanted to get ride of Steve & Anna Leigh’s hour and a half lead over them.
When Andrea & Malaina arrive, Anna Leigh asks if they voted for them and Andrea denies it, saying she doesn’t need to tell them until it airs on TV.
Joel finally gets his nine peacocks followed by Rob and Lena. Rob & Corey, however, get to the Mat to claim 2nd while Joel & Garrett have to settle for 3rd. Morgan & Lena are Team #4. Todd finishes the Road Block next and he and Ashlie take 5th.
Andrea & Malaina leave the Road Block just as Robinn & Chelsea, who had not seen a single team all day, arrive. Andrea & Malaina manage to pass Steve & Anna Leigh to the Mat to claim 6th. U-Turned Steve & Anna Leigh take 7th.
Robbin & Chelsea leave the Road Block before Liam & Yeremi even arrive. That means Robbin & Chelsea are 8th. And brothers Liam & Yeremi are last and eliminated.
Episode Thoughts
Okay! This was probably the strongest (relatively speaking) episode of the season so far. And the episode I enjoyed the most. Which is a high bar for me considering how much I loved today’s Amazing Race Australia episode.
Getting the nitpicks out of the way first. I realized this episode that teams do a lot of re-explaining of tasks. I’ve seen people comment on it before. But I never noticed it until this episode when teams were explaining what they had to do. And it’s really unnecessary. Just filler for the episode.
Also, this episode employed a lot of split screens and boxes to give the impression of simultaneous scenes. That can work and it did most of the time here. But it did feel a bit overused after a few minutes. There’s definitely a better way to depict the chaotic Leg than simply overwhelming the screen like that.
But a chaotic Leg it was. And that can always make for an interesting episode. India is certainly the place for that. But it is kinda meh for them to stay in Jaipur for two Legs. Understandable with TAR’s modern budget. And again, I appreciate having six Legs in Southeast Asia after a COVID-induced absence.
First up, the first anonymous U-Turn vote was alright. I don’t think there were any surprises with it. And it didn’t really produce any kind of explosive drama. It did, however, show Steve & Anna Leigh are big contenders this season.
Next, having a lot of Route Markers definitely helped to shuffle the teams. And those Route Markers along with the more pronounced sense of time care of the U-Turn and the Pit Start times made this Leg feel longer than most modern TAR Legs. Certainly not the three hour Legs we are used to. Maybe five hours this time lolol
The Hawa Mahal task was a great way to showcase the stunning landmark. The rickshaw task was good. Not as hilariously chaotic as TAR24’s gas tuk tuk Road Block, but on par with the car maze tasks of the past.
The Detour was fine. Delivery tasks in streets as vibrant and chaotic as Jaipur’s are good. Teams had a bit of trouble maybe with finding locations, but nothing huge. Would be better as part of a fuller Leg.
Picking up fabric to be used on another task at a different location is great. And the Road Block itself was very creative. Not like the many print tasks of the past. Though still not really deserving of 25 minutes of episode time. Again, it can get very repetitive. Especially when you have teams describing every single detail over and over.
It’s a positive thing that *gasp* TAR has added in a few more Route Markers. But having one or two more substantial tasks is still the ultimate solution to helping fill out these episodes.
Still, this was overall the fullest and most exciting episode of the season. I’ll be happy if the show can continue to add more as the season progresses. Though I dunno if the non-Southeast Asian locations coming up will provide the kind of culture shock and interactions that can at least help to fill up some minutes of the episode. The teams will have to do some more heavy lifting. And the show better step up with tasks as well.
Team Thoughts
Ever since Jocelyn & Victor were eliminated, I don’t really have a team or teams that I’m particularly rooting for. I don’t dislike any teams, but I don’t have a favorite either.
Morgan & Lena could be the closest though if they continue with their bickering ways while recapturing the magic of their first Legs. Lol Steve & Anna Leigh definitely proved they are one of the top contenders of the season by their performance with the U-Turn. They had a bit of a stumble with not getting the clue, but still moved quickly. Though the two hour lead certainly helped.
A good win for Greg & John who just sped through this Leg. Joel & Garrett are also showing signs that they aren’t just underdogs, but potential contenders too with the way they were able to move up this Leg.
Andrea & Malaina are Racing well. And Rob & Corey recovered from their Road Block stumble last Leg. Todd & Ashlie continue to be consistent. And Robinn & Chelsea will have a good underdog story if the other teams continue feeling averse toward them.
Actually sad to see Liam & Yeremi eliminated. I think they were good guys with a great story. But they’ve been trailing much of the Race so far. So it’s too bad, but a good six Legs for them anyway.
Episode Quotes
Lena: “This one looks like it was murdered.”
Lena: “They don’t like my murder-themed one.”
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7 thoughts on “Recap: The Amazing Race 35, Episode 6 – “She’ll catch it when she sees it on TV.””
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Yeah, this is the most solid episode of the season
Hope they can keep it up
Split screens: I thought seeing the 4 way split screen in the middle of the episode was enough to show how close the teams were to each other. I think TAR Aus does a good job of using those sparingly – it never uses more than 2 at one time.
I think the Philly Jawns went up a few notches in my like list (I was neutral on them previously) and Corey (just Corey, not Rob) went down a few notches this episode. Speaking of Rob and Corey, I’ve been catching several Racers’ YouTube recaps and Rob and Corey’s is one of the better ones in my opinion (due to Rob’s signing, they utilise the audio and video of the YouTube format by having Corey do voice over while they sign to each other). Jocelyn and Victor’s little “battle” for episode 5’s recap, filmed in their grocery store, was also fun.
I’ve never watched a team’s episode recap actually! Are they interesting?
Many of them are scattered on YouTube (Jocelyn and Victor quite helpfully link to most of their channels on their own), but Anna Leigh puts hers on her podcast Beyond the Bucket List. They’re mostly a standard recap like yours, but they also have behind the scenes info (like how Andrea and Malaina’s hats were given to them for free from some Vietnamese locals or how Todd yelled “PIVOT!” every time he went up the staircases).
This seems to be a phenomenon mostly unique to season 35 as to how much YouTube content there is (even including the one focussed on YouTube stars, although Will and James (US 32) and Luis and Michelle (US 34) have also made TAR YouTube content after their seasons), plus teams post their audition videos to YouTube as well (I mention this because 1) Rob and Corey’s is pretty funny and 2) IIRC, the only other time I’ve seen audition videos, as opposed to reading about them on the wiki, is an extras section on 10play for Australia 6).
Addendum to the 1st paragraph: Aside from the standard recap/behind the scenes info, Joel and Garrett have tributes to eliminated teams, while several teams briefly answer questions from their social media. Jocelyn and Victor tried balancing bowls on their heads as they walked down one of their grocery store aisles as their take on the Jaipur pot dancing challenge.
Oh! That’s interesting!