The Amazing Race Philippines: DryedMangoez Edition 15 – Leg 2 – Indonesia

IntroductionLeg 1Leg 2Leg 3Leg 4ALeg 4BLeg 5Leg 6Leg 7Leg 8Leg 9Leg 10Leg 11Leg 12

Leg 15.02 – “I’m crushin’ it!”

Teams set off on the 2nd Leg of the Race when they open the first clue telling them to fly to Banyuwangi!

All teams will be on the same Garuda Indonesia flight via Surabaya arriving in Banyuwangi at 7am. Their next clue will be waiting for them outside the airport.

That clue directs teams to Ijen Volcano. The next clue awaits at the entrance to Taman Wisata Alam Kawah Ijen/Ijen Crater National Park. And it reveals the first Road Block of the Race! Who wants to crush it?

Both team members must hike 3km up to the top of the volcano.

For this Road Block, the participating team member will take part in sulfur mining. First, they must collect and carry sulfur slabs using two baskets on a pole to a crushing area.

They must then crush the slabs into smaller blocks, pack them inside sacks and carry them to a weighing area. Once they have 100kg of sulfur, they will be given the next clue.

Teams will hike all the way back down and then get themselves to SDN 2 Kemiren in Glagah.

And here, teams will find a Double Yield board! They will learn whether or not it has been activated for this Leg.

Once they check in at the Yield, teams will now compete in the first Duel Duel of the Race!

For this Duel Duel, teams will take part in the traditional Kebo-Keboan ritual that locals perform to ensure a good harvest. Teams must face off to fill their basket across the rice paddy with rice husk before their opponents, using only their hands, while also avoiding the Kebo-Keboan. Three teams will compete at a time. But only the first team to fill their basket will receive the next clue.

This is also the Trigger Point for this Leg. If any team loses two or more Duel Duels, the U-Turn or Yield will be activated on the next Leg.

After the Duel Duel, teams must search for the next cluebox in the area. And that clue reveals the Detour: Courtship or Marriage.

In Courtship, teams will learn the traditional Gandrung courtship dance after dressing up and putting on makeup on each other. They will then head to a wedding party and perform for the guests to receive the next clue.

In Marriage, teams will participate in the traditional art of Jaran Kencak where they will fully decorate and dress up a horse that will be used in a wedding ceremony procession. Teams will then go on the procession to receive the next clue from the newlyweds.

After the Detour, teams must now head to the Kalibendo Coffee Plantation.

Teams must search the plantation fields for one of 12 very large coffee beans. They will then take it to the factory and jump into a huge pile of coffee beans to search for the one regular-sized matching bean which they will exchange for the next clue.

Teams must now head to the Kalibendo Rubber Trees Farm. Here, teams must collect a specific amount of tree sap to receive the next clue.

And that clue directs teams to Kalibendo Waterfall, the Pit Stop for this Leg of the Race.

The first team to check in here will win P200,000 courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.

The last team to check in here WILL be eliminated.


“Director’s” Commentary

So this Banyuwangi Leg from TARA5 was one of the best and most frustrating TAR Legs I’ve ever seen. It had a lot of great tasks, but the Leg design was horrible. And the decision to do the U-Turn AND Yield was atrocious.

But again, I liked the tasks so I recycled them here.

First, I want teams to get to the volcano and crater right in the morning as soon as they arrive.

The sulfur Road Block was excellent and should be a wonderful task here for TARPH. First the hike up the volcano and then the uber-physicality of the task plus the sulfur. TV gold! And with beautiful 4K UHD drone shots, OF COURSE! Woohoo.

The hike back down should be hilarious, exhausting fun. And hopefully the Road Block provoked some drama that can be discussed on the way down. Hehe.

Next up is the Duel Duel. It’s a good spot for a Yield. The Kebo-Keboan side of the Detour was great in TARA5. But I feel like it would make for an excellent Duel Duel. Some crazy fun, another physical challenge. Should be more great TV.

Replacing the Kebo-Keboan in the Detour then will be the Gandrung dance. It’s a typical TAR task. And it fits with the theme of the Detour, pairing it with the jaran kencak which was also a good Detour. I don’t know if this should be a limited stations Detour? For one, to ensure both sides are featured. But also because I don’t know that we have enough resources to do 11 of each Detour. Lol

Now, my worry here is that the Duel Duel will separate teams and no one will be able to catch up to each other. Making the Duel Duel have two teams win each round might help avoid that. But there’s definitely the possibility that teams will be so spaced out that no teams will ever see each other for the rest of the Leg because of the Duel Duel. Unless a team sucks at the Detour of course.

Anyway, we move on to the coffee beans. A little modified task which involves some extra searching and more attention to detail. As long as it isn’t TAR8-level of unfair, this task should be fine.

Adding yet another extra task to this Leg (yay!), the tree sap harvesting is a very unique task. Should be interesting and at least could help be a spot for teams to catch up at.

Finally, the Pit Stop at the waterfall. I don’t know how feasible that would be, or realistic. But hey, anything goes! So regardless of how far it might be, this would be a stunning spot for a Pit Stop Mat, don’t you think?

Overall, a great, recycled Leg.

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