Leg 4 of The Amazing Race China 4 was very interesting. Not really a fan of the Leg Design this time though individually, I liked a few of the tasks.
Starting with the Detour. The candy side of the Detour seemed very insane. It’s the food needle in a haystack task. But this time it’s hard peppermint candy. Eating more than a few of those big sticks of candy seems really difficult. I would probably get sick pretty quick. The option of being able to give the candy to strangers was interesting and a way to avoid eating every piece. You don’t really know how many pieces had the clue. (Unless Allan mentioned it and of course I wouldn’t have understood lol) I’m also not sure if the clues were in the same type of candy or ones with the same wrapper? I have no idea lol But the whole task is pretty crazy.
The Nobel side of the Detour was pretty straightforward I think. Having to search for signatures seems like another needle in a haystack task, but without the eating of the candy side.
Next up is the recycling task which was very interesting. In some places, you’ll get in trouble for digging through trash and stuff to get recyclables. Hehe. But it was alright here and for a good cause.
The Yield was in an okay spot in the Leg.
I really liked this Face Off, though maybe not the placement of it. It was creative and different, but really quick. I don’t understand though teams not moving as fast as they could. They could move really quick and eventually get the solution, I feel like. As long as they make sure to be in the correct position when moving the boxes.
The clue on the phone (which I hope was a sponsor! lol) was also refreshing.
The Road Block was fine. Certainly not the first time TAR has done glass blowing. (Hello TARPHDM14 hehe) I wish there had been room for more than two teams at a time though. I guess since it was a smaller shop, you wouldn’t have more than two ovens.
Overall, an okay Leg that could have been really amazing with some tweaks.
As for the teams, I’m pretty shocked Fan Bingbing & Xie Yilin/Evonne Heish were eliminated this early. I would’ve expected them to make it much further in the Race considering Fan Bingbing’s star power and involvement with the series’ promo. They were a pretty fun team to watch and Raced pretty well in the first three Legs. Sad to see them go.
The remaining teams are all fine. They’re doing well to compete so far.