Introduction → Meet the All-Stars → Leg 1 → Leg 2 → Leg 3 → Leg 4A → Leg 4B → Leg 5 → Leg 6 → Leg 7 → Leg 8 → Leg 9 → Leg 10 → Leg 11 → Leg 12
Leg 4B – “I’m going to die before reaching the Mat!”
The SuperLeg continues as teams must now search outside the museum for a brand new, fully loaded 2017 Kia Niro Hybrid.
Teams will drive themselves 196km and two and a half hours to Makhtesh Ramon in the Negev Desert where teams will find a Road Block: Who’s got a good grip?
For this Road Block, teams must rappel into this large crater and collect all colored flags on the way down corresponding to the flag they’ve chosen at the cluebox. Each color has a different number of flags. If a team fails to collect all flags on the way down, they must repeat the task. Teams will keep the flags until further notice.
After the Road Block, teams must drive to the Be’erot Campground where they will choose a number and tent which will determine their morning departure time. Each team will depart five minutes apart.
When teams are released next morning, they must drive themselves deeper into the Negev Desert to this location.
Here, teams will sandboard down the dunes while each grabbing a blank parchment hanging on a wooden post on the way down. If either team member fails to grab one, they must repeat the task. Teams must keep the parchments until further notice.
This is also the Trigger Point of this 4th Leg. If any team fails their first attempt, the U-Turn or Yield will be activated on the next Leg.
After grabbing their parchments, teams must drive to the Alpaca farm in Mitzpe Ramon.
Here, teams will gather alpaca wool into sacks and bring them across the farm to the processing center. They must then take already processed yarn and neatly roll them into balls. Once approved, they will receive their next clue.
Teams must now head to Tel Be’er Shava where they will find another Road Block: Who’s got a good eye? The team member who did not complete the first Road Block MUST perform this one.
For this Road Block, teams must search this archaeological site for stones with engravings matching those seen on four of the flags they retrieved in the first Road Block. Teams must use their blank parchments, also obtained earlier, to do rubbings of the engravings. These engravings are Hebrew characters which they must unscramble and translate to English.
The translated word will reveal their next destination: Masada.
Teams must drive to Masada and its western parking lot. From here, they must hike up the Roman Ramp 20 minutes to Herod’s Palace, the Pit Stop for this Leg of the Race.
The first team to check in here will win P200,000 courtesy of Shell V-Power Nitro+.
The last team to check in here WILL be eliminated.
“Director’s” Commentary
This could be the most stunning Leg ever on The Amazing Race Philippines: DryedMangoez Edition. The TARPHDME-exclusive 4K UHD drones will be put to very good use here. The BEST use all Leg long. Just look at this:
A stunning! all-new "episode" of #AmazingRace Philippines vs The World, this Friday at 5pm PT! Available without restriction, worldwide! 😍
— DryedMangoez (@dryedmangoez) February 15, 2017
(Video courtesy of
Competition-wise, I think there are definitely other possible tasks in the Negev Desert and in the small towns in it. But I do think the driving alone will be a big challenge for the teams. Especially when a lot of these locations are very far from each other. Challenge for the teams, possibly fun drama for us viewers!
For this Israel (half-)Leg, I wanted to visit something other than a typical touristy-Tel Aviv or Jerusalem Leg. The Negev Desert is definitely a perfect place for a possible Leg. TARAu did a quick visit here.
First, Makhtesh Ramon is a must-visit of course. And rappelling is certainly nothing new, but it’s an excellent opportunity for those drone shots.
A night out camping in the desert would be an amazing experience for the teams.
The sandboarding is another typical task I found during online scouting, but again, there’s probably much more interesting things to do here. Still, it’s a task that makes full use of the stunning location.
Alpacas and any animals really always make for great tasks. Though teams won’t necessarily be interacting with the alpacas themselves in this specific task. It’s more of a physical and tedious task which will play into the likely hot weather during the day.
That heat will make the second Road Block (again, another simple, straightforward task) and the hike up to the Pit Stop some good opportunities for fun Race drama and tension.
So overall, this second half of Leg 4 should be absolutely stunning visually. Race-wise, it looks alright on paper, but could definitely be improved with a proper in-person scouting trip. =D
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