Episode 16.11 – They Don’t Even Understand Their Own Language
Teams have language difficulties as they head to Shanghai’s gardens. Hoping to have gained wisdom from Buddha, teams hope to chop their way into the final three and the final leg for the million dollars on 7-time Emmy award winning The Amazing Race.
Full recap, stats, quotes, and caps all at
AmazingRace.DryedMangoez.com →
Watch the full episode here:
[vodpod id=Video.3540841&w=425&h=350&fv=config%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbs.com%2Fthunder%2Fplayer%2F1_0%2Fpartner%2Fcbs%2Fskin_cbs_norelated]
or at CBS.com/Amazing.