Those damn hippies.
Japan looks like loads of fun full of craziness. What a crazy, hectic place that Shibuya was. I’ve always seen those Japanese scenes in “Power Rangers” so its a nice change to see people from THE AMAZING RACE instead. Those roller coaster rides were freakin’ crazy! Funny Japanese… they love fast things. And small things too… that capsule hotel was crazy insane! I don’t remember, but was it Tokyo where they had the high-rise cemeteries?
Another funny thing about Japan, random TAR-hired man wearing a yellow and red scarf. Still, Japan looks beautiful as well, especially the area around Mt. Fuji and the lake with big swans.
Finding that clue at the intersection must’ve been harder than it looked. It was nice to see teams completing tasks in the middle of the night for a change. Finally things are open after dark! How wierd must it have been for both the teams and the lady they were carrying, though it seemed cool still. The other DETOUR with the bike messenger thing was a great way to see the city, but you had to be careful riding around… look at Ray, he almost hit some guy on a bike.
The ROAD BLOCK would’ve sucked if they had to do it more than once. Luckily, I don’t think they made it hard at all. The guy with the sign was probably at the end of the ride as they slowed down.
So off to Alaska next… in every season, its either Alaska or Hawaii as the US port of entry. I’d love to go to Alaska, very beautiful and lots of history too.
The DETOUR wasn’t much of a Detour what with the weather grounding all the planes. For some reason, seeing the snow in the previews, I thought they were going to Finish in Alaska, but they returned to where they started… Denver, Colorado.
I like it when TAR does a truly around the world route starting and ending in the same city. The ROAD BLOCK… killer. It was a tough one, TAR8’s puzzle of North America was kinda like the flags tonight. I don’t remember, but I think it was TAR3 that we had this kind of ROAD BLOCK where the teams are required to remember details of the entire Race? No other season since then has had this? I mean, TAR6 and TAR7 had jumping into water while TAR5 had running through a maze.
Anyway… those damn hippies. The one team I didn’t want to win this season other than Lake & Michelle. BJ & Tyler just annoy the hell out of me. Simple as that… their Racing style wasn’t anything special, they weren’t consitent (execpt in coming in last at non-elim pit stops), and their trickery wasn’t villanous or funny, just annoying. One of my least favorite winners, probably the only ones worse than them are Freddy & Kendra. I liked all the other winners before.
Oh well… I was mixed about an Eric & Jeremy win. I like the guys, but I was worried about how they’d really spend the money… these aspring actor-model types. Still, they did seem like nice guys who liked to have fun, but knew when to take things seriously. They will go down as the most successful overall team in TAR history. 1-2 all the way except for one leg, pretty good I have to say, almost excellent.
Ray & Yolanda seemed like fun people too, but we didn’t get to see any of it… we barely saw them. They didn’t start drama, they didn’t really make any significant Race moments, but they were good people for the most part. I wouldn’t have minded them winning. But they had completely bad luck for both final legs.
So THE AMAZING RACE 9 has come to an end… it has been an interesting season both on and off screen. My TAR9 wrap-up Thursday or Friday.
So while we wait for the milestone THE AMAZING RACE 10 to premiere in the Fall on SUNDAYS AT 8PM, we will be watching our old tapes and DVDs of the classic TAR seasons (minus season 7, that season is just plain wrong).
Until September!
QUOTES FROM EPISODE 09-12 Eric: “I’ve never seen elephants close up… I’ve seen elephants attack on TV though”
Eric: “Look out for the elephant s…” Jeremy: “Oh crap”
Yolanda: “Ewe… watch out for the doodoo”
Yolanda: “Drive me” Ray: “Driving Miss Crazy”
Eric: “This is like a naughty fantasy come true right here”
Ray: “You feel much heavier than you look”
Ray: “Its like a prison in here”
Jeremy: “There’s the pink dragon”
Jeremy: “That’s a big mountain” Eric: “Dumbass, that must be Mt. Fuji”
Eric: “Those hippies and their damn language knowing”
Jeremy: “I think I feel snot coming out of my nose”
Jeremy (to a hippie): “You’re an idiot”
Jeremy: “I think I wet the seat”
Japanese Man: “You look like Janet Jackson”
Eric: “This is a pain in the ass, man”
Eric: “Sucky… this is sucky”
Alaskan Guy: “Okay, let me check your holes”
Yolanda: “If we had two Rays, it’d be easy”
Yolanda: “I’m going to bust my ass” |