BSG + Recap: American Dreams, Episode 3.13

Okay… for some weekend television highlights…

FRACK” returns! yay… love that word… so what happens to Starbuck? I’m sure she’ll survive… of course… lol… another great episode… I think the cast is amazing… I love this show…

First of all… I was pissed when I learned that NBC wouldn’t being airing any new AD episodes in February… but it makes sense with the Super Bowl, the Grammys, and the Oscars airing on Sundays in February…
I remember last year when the cast of DAYS OF OUR LIVES guest starred on AD on the episode that aired on my birthday… that was fun…

Anyway… it was definitely a big, big episode… we get to see the Meg/JJ confrontation about the War… Let me say… I’m on JJ’s side… I can’t believe Meg still wants Chris back… stupid slutty Meg… but I think her feelings will change more on that later…

Will is so funny… Patty is too, but in that sarcastic humor sort of way… That scene with her and that guy about being his “FIRST choice” and telling the other girl that his first choice wants to go and all that… that was great… poor Patty… but she seems to be following in Meg’s footsteps… first she was kinda sorta flirting with that Pet Store/Swimming Pool guy… then Beth’s cousin who she made out with in the garage… and now this Chess guy… lol…

Of course, in classic AD style… Jack does the “right thing” and votes for the Rev. … but when Helen asked “How about JJ?” I knew something was going to happen to him… At first I thought she asked that becuase she was concerned something would happen to him, like by the Philadelphia mafia or something (lol) but Jack took it to mean how was JJ with his gambling debt… But JJ getting beat up made for a very moving last couple of mintues… especially considering *its* starting to happen…

Two and a half seasons of seeing Sam and Meg listen to records together in that small booth… having deep conversations with each other… look at each other with a sense of longing (“I want you… but we can’t be together”)… I remember season 1… me and Kat were like “Sam and Meg should be together” … I think our DAYS experience played into our rooting for them as a couple… lol…

Anyway… that dance was two and a half years in the making… I thought they were going to kiss too… but not so fast I guess… but still, what a great moment…

MARCH can’t come soon enough…

2 thoughts on “BSG + Recap: American Dreams, Episode 3.13

  1. yeah loved the episode! i had a feeling too, that they were more than just friends. darn!! i cant wait till MARCH for AD!! OMG! =P wow, its the first day of february tomorrow. OUR BDAYS are coming up!! ill see you at school! bye lester!!!!

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