Legendary British actor Patrick McGoohan created a cult classic when he first thought of the premise of the 1960s series The Prisoner. An intriguing, mysterious, and outrageous (in a great…
Another television season over. You know what that means! It’s Emmy season! Networks and studios have been sending those For Your Consideration DVDs and swag to Emmy voters hoping to…
TYPE OF REVIEW : GOOD OL’ REVIEW Very minor spoilers for basic story explanation. For many fans of The Prisoner, the remake has been decades in the making. The Prisoner…
THE PRISONER Premieres on three consecutive nights on AMC beginning Sunday, November 15. Two new hours will air each night, premiering at 8pm and encore at 10pm. The complete original…
This is exciting! I am absolutely pumped about this re-imagining of the classic 60s masterpiece originally created by and starring the awesome Patrick McGoohan. This new version, starring Ian McKellen…