Episode 16.08 – You’re Like Jason Bourne, Right?
The teams get heated under the Malaysian sun and realize the importance of a good teksi. After getting incensed, can the teams overcome missteps to avoid getting eliminated? And can Jet & Cord overcome the Speed Bump to avoid a repeat placement of last week?
Full recap, stats, quotes, and caps all at
AmazingRace.DryedMangoez.com →
Watch the full episode here or at CBS.com…[vodpod id=Video.3371669&w=425&h=350&fv=config%3Dhttp%3A%2F%2Fwww.cbs.com%2Fthunder%2Fplayer%2F1_0%2Fpartner%2Fcbs%2Fskin_cbs_norelated]