The Leg
The teams set off from the Pit Stop with their first clue of the leg, telling them to find the Gnome in the Wall at El Boliche Viejo (The Old Joint) in San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina. The first three teams will get a head start on a bus leaving 20 minutes earlier than the one that will carry the rest, both a six hour ride through the Andes into Argentina. At the Old Joint, a place with Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid hidout, teams will have to play and win poker against the Travelocity Roaming Gnome, after which, they will get their next clue.
As the teams wait for the buses that leave at 8:30 and 8:50am, Brent & Caite head to the hospital as they believe they’ve got food poisoning. This delays their departure time from the Pit Stop by 3 hours.
On the first bus are Jet & Cord, Carol & Brandy, and Joe & Heidi. The cowboys try to trick the alliance, but all get to the Joint at the same time anyway. Meanwhile the 2nd bus arrives in Bariloche. Dan & Jordan are having trouble with their car again while Brent & Caite have no idea what they’re doing or where they’re going.
The alliance beat the banditGnome on the first hand, but it takes the cowboys a few. The clue at the bottom of the Gnome tells them to head to Peña Gaucha where they find the Road Block.

In this Road Block, teams will participate in the local gaucho tradition of steer roping. After watching a demonstration, teams will have to rope a target 18 feet away and pull it towards them to get their next clue.
Heidi and Carol head off to start as Jet & Cord arrive. The women have trouble getting started while Jet gets it on his 2nd try (which he is embarrassed about, he should’ve gotten it on his first). The next clue tells them to make their way to Puente Nirihuau where they will search the cliffs overlooking the river for their next clue.
Jeff & Jordan beat the Gnomebandit and catch up to the Road Block just as the cowboys are leaving. Carol finally gets the clue and they head off.

The cowboys find the Detour, Horse Sense or Horse Power.
In Horse Sense, teams will find a gunslinger who will hand them coordinates. Using those coordinates by footstep and an old-time compass, teams will find a hidden bags of money. They’ll take those bags of money to the nearby train station and hand them to the lead bandit. If the coordinates on the bags match the ones on paper, they’ll get their next clue.
In Horse Power, teams walk to the polo training field, put on polo shirts, and while on a practice pony and taking turns, must make a goal in nine strokes or less. If not, they’ll have to start over.
Jet & Cord want to work with horses so they go polo. Apparently though, teams are not told they won’t be on real horses, so Cord is disappointed. They get their strokes in and are given a trophy with their next clue, Estancia Fortin Chacabuco, the Pit Stop.
While the detectives, Monique & Shawne, and Dan & Jordan are at the Road Block, Carol & Brandy and Jeff & Jordan decide on Horse Sense. Instead of finishing the coordinates, Carol finds a shovel and assumes that’s it. Jeff mistakenly thinks the gunslinger is the lead bandit. Joe & Heidi catch up and do Horse Sense as well since he has a compass on his watch. Joe tells Heidi they don’t need the coordinates.
Steve & Allie continue popping up out of nowhere and they head to the polo field after Steve tumbles down a hill.
Brandy is not happy. They end up switching Detours. Jeff & Jordan find a bag and take it to Joey the gunslinger but he just stands there. They assume it’s the wrong bag so they take it back. Joe & Heidi find some bags and take it to the lead bandit, running by Jeff & Jordan who have no idea where they’re going. It turns out though, those bags were wrong so they have to take them back and decide to switch.
Dan & Jordan decide to do Horse Sense while Jeff & Jordan take another bag to the gunslinger who just smiles. Steve & Allie and Carol & Brandy finish the Detour as Joe & Heidi arrive.
Monique & Shawne are the only ones left at the Road Block. Shawne is struggling and the arrival of last place team Brent & Caite isn’t helping. Brent gets the clue pretty quick, and the attorney moms are now in last place.
Shawne gets the lasso just at the tip of the horn but it falls off when she pulls. They say a little prayer and Shawne finally gets the clue.
At the Pit Stop, Jet & Cord check in first for the 2nd leg in a row and win a trip to Patagonia, which they are excited about. Steve & Allie pop up in 2nd. Carol & Brandy take 3rd.
Dan & Jordan find bags of loot, but not their coordinates. The detectives find one, but it isn’t theirs. It’s Jeff & Jordan’s though, so they run over and grab it and head to the train station. The lead bandit hands the bags of money to a guy on a horse who rides off with them. He hands them a coin with the clue on it.
Joe & Heidi check in 4th with Jeff & Jordan in 5th.
Dan & Jordan are having trouble now with the polo. They have to go for a 3rd attempt as the last three teams arrive. The brothers finally get in their strokes and head to the Pit Stop 6th.
Brent & Caite then Louie & Michael finish, leaving the moms to go for their 3rd attempt. But they fear they will injure their backs if they continue, so they switch to the coordinates.
Brent & Caite officially finish 7th and Louie & Michael (who promised to win every leg) check in 8th.
That leaves the moms/attorneys Monique & Shawne last and eliminated.
Episode Thoughts
This was a good episode. Great local history and culture. It is always great when TAR gets into the history and traditions of the locals of the week.
The Road Block though was one of those that gets one team, just one who gets the unlucky side of the draw. Unfortunately it was Monique & Shawne who would’ve been nice to see go further.
With the Detour, it seemed like the teams had no idea they would be using practice ponies instead of real horses. I love that! I think TAR needs to get even vaguer with clues. It adds a lot more drama (which in turns is more fun for us!).
And next week, the Intersection makes its American TAR comeback! It was a mixed reaction when the Intersection was used in TAR10 and TARAS. But other than the horrible possibility of a team having to wait hours until the next team arrives for them to team up with, the Intersection can give us some golden moments like in All-Stars with enemies Charla & Mirna having to team up with the BQs Dustin & Kandice. The Intersection comes earlier than it did so we have more teams to pair up. Could the epic TAR braintrust of Jeff & Jordan and Brent & Caite be the pair next week? Stay tuned!