Here are my 20 (and more!) favorite Korean dramas of 2022!
I felt a bit of a K-drama slump this year, but there was no shortage of wonderful OSTs. To be honest, I made this separate list of favorite OSTs mainly because of my top two. But it was also great to come up with this list as it reminded me of some great series this year and their great music. The best OSTs are ones that capture and encapsulate what each series brings to life. So you’ll see those words quite often in this list. (lol)
KBS’ Going to You at a Speed of 493km (너에게 가는 속도 493km) is a charming and relatable slice of life story about growing up and overcoming the everyday struggles and hardships of life. I will refer to the series using its original Korean title as I feel that it better captures the series’ wonderfully poetic storytelling and direction than the more generic English title of Love All Play. The series is a balanced blend of lighthearted romantic drama and coming of age angst. The characters’ personal stories and relationships provide the backbone for the series’ 16 episodes. And the talented young and veteran cast do an excellent job bringing them to life.