Art & JJ Stir the Pot… Then Are Hypocritical About It on The Amazing Race
There was plenty of drama on this week’s episode of The Amazing Race. And Art & JJ had a hand in most of it. Not only did they egg the Vanessa & Ralph and Brendon & Rachel fight on or confront Nary & Jamie for the heck of it, they also threaten Bopper & Mark.
First, here’s Art & JJ confronting Nary & Jamie in a scene that was aired in the episode:
Not done starting drama, JJ threatens Mark & Bopper (by getting right up to their faces), saying they better unhitch themselves from the Brenchel/Nary & Jamie wagon and join their group of three unless they want to suffer the same fate as Kerri & Stacy:
Then they tell Phil at the Mat that they prefer to minimize their involvement in all the drama? Sure…
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