“When life throws you sh*t, piss in its face.”

Let’s partially quote Luke once more shall we?

“In your face! BITCH” or “BITCH-ES”

I would’ve loved to be the hand that slapped Simon, Randy, and Paula’s crying faces when Ryan announced Fantasia and LaToya in the bottom 2. 

While I am so happy Jasmine moves on to the final 3, I am freakin worried about the incredibly intense bashing she will be recieving this week, I’m sure double and triple the John Stevens bashing. 

Stay strong Jasmine, step it up BIG TIME on Tuesday… prove to the puethole, I mean Simon that Hawaii isn’t the only place voting for you (That has to be the stupidest piece of sh*t) 

“When life throws you sh*t, piss in its face.”

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