The teams board the charter flight which will take them to Bologna, Italy where they will begin their “first” Mega Leg. Marcus & Michael and Glenda & Lumumba open the first clue at 9:30am. The next four teams depart at 9:45am with the last group starting the Leg at 10am. Teams must drive themselves to Arco del Meloncello
This season, teams will begin the Leg by departing in random groups every 15 minutes. Today, they will start at 8am and the first clue tells teams to drive from Munich to Innsbruck, Austria. But they must first stop at Grünwalderhof in Patsch.
The 12 new teams hop on a log raft in Wolfratshausen to take them down the Isar River to Munich and the Starting Line for the 34th season at Nymphenburg Palace. Phil welcomes teams and says there will be many firsts, such as the first Starting Line outside the United States. And also the introduction of the Scramble, which allows teams to complete all the tasks on this Leg in any order they want. There will also be no Non-Elimination Legs this season.