The Rangers are dividing up the three new discs they reacquired. Jayden keeps the Tiger Disc and since he caught it, Kevin keeps the Swordfish Disc. For the Beetle Disc,…
Jayden and Kevin are sparring, fully morphed and the other Rangers complement Kevin’s skills. Decker joins Dayu on the ship. He tells them he wants to go after the Red…
Mia and Jayden are getting married! Jii and Kevin are getting emotional. Emily thinks Mia looks so beautiful. Mike wants to be sick. But it turns out they’re just setting…
Jii informs the Rangers while eating breakfast that they may have found the missing swordfish zord. But the Nighlock alarm sounds, so Jayden gives Kevin the special mission to capture…
(Or is it Episode 6!?!) The Rangers are sparring and Emily takes Mike down. Jayden and Jii observe how Emily is a great martial artist, but not so good at…
Jii tells the Rangers they get the day off and Emily wants to go to an amusement park since she’s never been before. They ask Jayden to come along, but…
The arrival of the Nighlok signals the Gap Sensor at HQ and after Ji unfurls a digital map on the table, the Rangers are off. The boy runs away as…
Thanks to Saban Brands and Nickelodeon, the Power Rangers are able to fight another day. Power Rangers Samurai marks the return of new episodes since the finale of Power Rangers…
Nickelodeon has confirmed that the all-new Power Rangers Samurai will premiere on February 7th. And while the character promos have been pretty bland and too 1995, the newest minute-long promo…