EPISODE 12-11: THE FINAL PUSHFrom Taipei, Taiwan, teams learn their next stop is the final destination city, Anchorage, Alaska. Once there, they must travel to 6th Avenue Outfitters to pick…
EPISODE 12-01: DONKEYS HAVE SOULS TOO!The 5-time Emmy winning The Amazing Race is back!!! (And a few months earlier than planned!) From an eclectic mix of contestants to a beautiful…
EPISODE 11-05 SCAP RECAP: YOU NEED TO WATCH YOUR JOKES, GUY Relive the episode with my random scaps at https://s163.photobucket.com/albums/t304/xangatheamazingracecaps/episode5/Hopefully I’ll get them up earlier next week!
EPISODE 10-03: OH WOW, IT’S LIKE ONE OF THOSE THINGS YOU SEE ON TV!TAR10 keeps getting better and better. Vietnam has been one of the most memorable destinations in TAR…
EPISODE 10-01: REAL FAST! QUACK, QUACK!The Amazing Race is back. It doesn’t seem too long ago that BJ and Tyler TTOWed their way to victory.But it still a welcome sight…
EP 09-12: 5 CONTINENTS… 10 COUNTRIES… AND MORE THAN 59 THOUSAND MILES! Those damn hippies. Japan looks like loads of fun full of craziness. What a crazy, hectic place that…
T EP 09-11: I THINK THIS MONKEY LIKES ME Bye Bye MoJo! This is the first time in AMAZING RACE history that I do not have one single favorite in…
EP 09-10: MAN, THEY SHOULD HAVE USED THEIR FAKE NAMESThat was a great episode. Everything from the little conversations the teams were having with each other to the photo finish…
EP 09-09: DO YOU KNOW HOW MUCH RUNNING I DID TODAY, PHIL?Well, they definitely didn’t spend a lot of time in Oman did they? The King-caused traffic jam in Muscat…
EP 09-08: HERE COMES THE BEDOUINI think tonight’s episode was the best of the season so far. A great location, good enough tasks, and camels… lots of camels.The camels stole…